View Full Version : MRCP II MADE EASY

kay halloway
09-16-2010, 04:02 AM
MRCP II MADE EASY is a book reccomended to me by a friend with a similar problem. We had agoraphobia and panic suddenly set in from a blue sky. The book is written by a compassionate Harvard trained Physician who is also a Member of the Royal College of Physicians London ( MRCP ) and also a Royal Physician. After reading this book and contacting him, he put me on a course of medications and my anxiety as well as my friend's is in the past. The Travel book is also therapeautic as I worried I had no shoes when others had no feet. The novel is written in the style of Michael Crichton, Asimov and Robin Cook and describes mindfulness as well as the FMRI long before the movie SALT. He was ahead of his time. Each ( case history ) is intertwined with medical facts and learning is subliminal. He describes Gestalt and the Eureka effect. some stories will make you cry and others will make you laugh. My husband and two kids love it as each case is like a series of House MD