View Full Version : Good vibes and Bad vibes

09-15-2010, 06:39 PM
Have you ever been around someone, not really said much or anything at all, but for some reason just get really good vibes off them? Or the opposite, do you just get some really bad energy from someone else even if they haven't really said or done much to you?

I believe that there is a certain energy that everyone gives out. And generally speaking this energy is either a good vibe or a bad vibe. The world would be a wonderful place if we all made the effort to only send good vibes, and it would be hell if we all only sent bad vibes. But our world consists of both.

What I am saying is stop focussing on trying to NOT be anxious, and rather focus on being someone who feels and gives out good vibes. BE the good vibes.

09-16-2010, 10:11 AM
I agree about people having bad vibes/good vibes, but I think it goes beyond "trying to act nice" or hiding your anxiety to put on a fake smile to the world. I am sensitive to people's vibes and those that act nice don't always have good vibes. But, this is all sort of a different subject than worry/anxiety. I think I know what you're saying, which is, "Don't focus so much on yourself and have concern for others," but I think many anxious people already have a problem with trying to please others to begin with.