View Full Version : Knocked Down Again

09-14-2010, 01:05 PM
For the past six months it seems like I have been knocked to my knees repeatedly and not recovering. It started with a major diet change that created panic attacks (doctor wanted me on an Adkins diet - bad idea). Then came the magnesium that made me shake and jitter like crazy - made all my symptoms worse and stayed.

Then the stress of my wife's sister becoming critically ill and eventually dying - tweaked my health fears not to mention my wife was totally involved in her care so there was loads of stress.

Finally gave in to my doctors admonitions to try a medication to "take the edge off" Took two tiny doses of Doxepin and now 5 week later still in total hell with symptoms doubled.

Now last night I went into some kind of episode where I felt like I had been given a disabling drug. It came on suddenly and increased all my anxeity symptoms plus added many more. I have had many strange episodes but this was caused by something. We think it was a food reaction to an aged cheese but we don't know....same cheese I have eaten many times. Just a couple of months ago I almost wound up in the ER not breathing after eating Balsamic vinegar - never had a problem with the sulfates until now.

Each one of these insults leaves me sicker than before and my brain seem not to be able to recover from any of them. I am totally disabled now, can hardly take care of basic grooming and feeding. This is frightening.

Anyone else had this.


09-14-2010, 01:56 PM
Cheese & balsamic vinegar... Hmmm, you may have a mold/yeast allergy, or possibly Candida. Candida can cause a whole host of issues - if you had it, you'd have to avoid all yeasts/molds for a while to kill it off, which include:

Yeast - breads, etc.
Sugar (not mold/yeast-related per se but the yeast feed on it)

A lot of people have it and don't know it, and anxiety sufferers are particularly subject to it. Are you often bloated/gassy?

Even without the Candida, you probably do have some sort mold/yeast allergy if those two things (cheese & vinegar) gave you a bad reaction. Even if you've eaten these things before without a problem, stress can cause an imbalance of bad/good gut bacteria, and if the "bad guys" win, it's easy to see how you could have a reaction to yeast/mold-containing foods. It'd be interesting to see what that prescription is made from. Pennicilin is made from mold, so who knows, maybe other medicines are as well. Yeasts/molds are in a LOT of stuff - grape skins, cantalope, etc.

Plus, you've been under a lot of stress. I'm sorry to hear your wife's sister actually died - I remember you talking about her in another thread.

09-14-2010, 10:29 PM
Just wanted to say I'm sorry about your sister in law