View Full Version : um anxiety = stroke or heart attack?

09-13-2010, 05:48 PM
I just read online trying to see if anxiety episodes and/or attacks are harmful, and a couple sites mention it can long term make ur heart sick, and it threw me into a panic. ..is this true?

09-13-2010, 07:14 PM
I did ask a doctor this question once and he said people with anxiety (or maybe it was health anxiety) tend to live a little longer than average, because they are quick to look into health issues. It's the "Type A" stress (impatience, rage, etc.) that's harmful. I hope he's right!!

09-13-2010, 07:27 PM
Yeah I hope he's right too.
Ive had like tingling sensations in left side of my chest and arm and fingers...
and when i read that stuff...i kinda got wigged out.
The symptoms havent cleared up yet either.
My head hurts too.

09-13-2010, 07:47 PM
I've had the tinglies before. Sometimes it can be fixed through chiropractic. For a while I was having the two middle fingers from both hands going tingly - even weirder - and the chiro took care of it.

09-13-2010, 07:52 PM
hardest thing is for me to tell myself ill be fine during a panic. even though i live through them, i still think its a chronic illness (physical) coming and going. I tend to call everyone and pretend its the last time ill talk to them.
The symptoms elevate each time for the most part, and last for hours and hours.

09-13-2010, 08:07 PM

I am reading about this at the moment and there is some fact behind it . Calm down i don't mean to stress you out . ;)

Stress which is anxiety takes a effect on the body and unless something is done about it then it will take its toll on the body but thats not what you are feeling now . This would take years and years to show effects . For example smoking gives the body stress but may take 20-30-40 years before it shows in a big way .

The feelings in your arms is only muscles and nothing more and the tingling is because when you are under stress the body moves blood towards things needed such as the main body , heart and brain . There are reasons behind it and they are not nasty things . In fact when you understand it it is a fantastic system that the body has to protect itself from danger .

Stop your googling and you wont have to worry about reading this shit . Trust me there is alot out there that should not be read by people with anxiety because they jump the boat to easy

You want to read then read anxietycentre.com

cheers kev :D

09-13-2010, 08:28 PM
Hey thanks man. That helped me understand alot.
I do need to quit googling, I really do. I google everything, and i mean everything, not just symptoms of anxiety, but how each and everything i eat or do in life can cause some abnormality in my body.

after my anxiety episode back some 5 years ago, i never used to worry about anything at all. And i used to think "Wow i used to be a bad worrier and anxious weirdo".
and here it all started again some months ago :(.
This site has done wonders for me though, and I thank you.

09-13-2010, 08:33 PM

Yes i know all about googling

You know if you google food and read some of the shit out there we would stave

You cant eat this you cant eat that , This does this and this dose that . No wonder we go crazy . Eat healthy and go by this saying

If your grandmother would question if it is really food then don't eat it .

cheers kev :D