View Full Version : How To Tell Someone...

09-09-2010, 03:24 PM
So, I have been dating this guy for a while, he knows I take medication but he doesnt know why. I really want to tell him about my anxiety, I want to share a part of my life with him but everytime I even think of bringing it up I break out in a panic and excessively worry. Its not just him, many of my close friends/family don't know and I'm scared I will be outcasted because of my anxiety.

Its like I reach a wall which I can never seem to overcome. I have always had an issue with sharing personal things with others, no matter how silly it seems to them. I really want to become a more open person.

Just wondering if anyone has had a similar issue? And how they overcame it?

Or just some general advice would really help... Thank you :)

09-09-2010, 03:31 PM

Ok just tell them . Can you see the stress it is causing yourself by holding this all in .

I bet that when you tell all these people that they wont fully understand as you have to of lived it but there will also be one that will understand you . Anxiety is very common and happens to one in three people at one stage .

It is not something you should be hiding . IT is something that you should be open and talking to someone about .

I told my wife and even today after i have recovered she still dosent fully understand but at least because she knew she would accept that there were reason i was like i was and would help me to handle them

cheers and good luck kev

09-09-2010, 03:56 PM
Thanks for the reply Forwells :)

I can feel the burden of holding it in, I long to tell someone. I really do.

I just don't want to have someone witness me having an attack. I told someone I lived with (An ex) before and he left me because he 'couldn't cope with it'. It has left the fear of it happening again with me.

I should tell them, if someone can't accept me and my anxiety then I shouldn't have them in my life. I need to find the courage again.

Thank you

09-09-2010, 04:23 PM
Hey there Spark, you're worrying too much.
I know a guy, and he was having some trouble telling a girl about his OCD.
I know OCD is not your average anxiety, but I told him to explain it to her in words that wouldn't seem weird or scary.I had him say something like:
"Well, my brain is overprotective and always tells me that there's a possibility to get hurt whenever I want to do something. If I were to listen to it I'd be stuck in bed all day, so I just take some pills to help me turn down his suggestions"
D*** it. that sounds much better in Romanian... well, just say it in an optimistic relaxed tone and you'll be just fine.

09-10-2010, 12:52 AM
Howdy again

someone can't accept me and my anxiety then I shouldn't have them in my life.

that says it all . Trust me when i say a shared problem is half the problem

good luck kev

09-10-2010, 02:08 AM
I have to agree with Kev, your stressing yourself about it all unecessarily! If you are genuinely going to have a future together someone should accept you as you are! You are just thinking the worst, they might actually end up being a great support network!

09-10-2010, 03:34 AM
Thank you everyone, I feel alot better after reading the replies

You're right though, I will tell them, and whatever happens happens. There will be someone to support me amongst them all :)

09-10-2010, 06:31 PM
I bet you he won't be bothered by it. In fact he might take it as a sign that you like him enough to open up about something. The gal I am dating currently was having a serious talk with me and I had a panic attack in front of her. At first she thought something was majorly wrong as I was choking too talk. Took a Klonopin went in the bathroom for about 10 minutes. Came back and she was still there, and she still is.

09-16-2010, 08:56 AM
Just tell them in a casual way. I basicaly just mentioned to people (because I've never had anxiety my whole life, always been a calm person until my first attack) that I'm close to that my brain is now overworking because of stress that its hard to cope at times and that I'm seaking help to get over it. I left it that simple. Everyone close to me has been quite supportive. And the girl that I'm seeing used to suffer from intense panic attacks all the time (she was using a lot of drugs at that point though) and I even witnessed her experience one panic attack on one night. She's overcome her panic attacks completely now, and she's very supportive about me overcoming my anxiety. She's always there when I feel I need support or company, and she always makes me feel calm and even gets my mind completely off it at times. So I susgest you just tell them, be casual about it but honest. They might end up being really supportive and if they are not, then they are probably not worth your time anyway.