View Full Version : One year anniversary!

06-13-2006, 09:31 AM
Hey, can you believe it, we've been around one year already! :shock: We've gotten over 500 members and over 3000 posts in that time!And we've switched domains from www.anxietyforum.net (http://www.anxietyforum.net) to www.mentalhealthdiscussion.com (http://www.mentalhealthdiscussion.com), while still ranking quite high in the search engines (thanks to duddits work).

I'd like to thank all of our members, especially the ones who invested alot of time (and typing ;)) here at the forum, to help make this a warm friendly supportive community =)

Among those who've helped the most are:
Our moderator staff:
- Brickyard_red, Bridgie, soshy, MaggieMay
And some of our most active members:
- scatmantom, leftie15, Angel, caseman, babycristy, anangel4me, Fear
...plus all the other members that support us as well, I'm not leaving you out!

Thank you, each and every one of you :goodjob:

06-13-2006, 11:00 AM
woohoo congrats every1 for making this a success!

I greatly appreciate this forum and the kind words and support i get from its members. I do think that I have improved since I started spending time on here and thats not been a co-incidence, you lot have really made a change in my life.

Lets hope this forum stays alive for a looooong time to come :P

06-13-2006, 03:16 PM
Thats Awesome!!! Congrats to all like tom said since i've joined i have defentily got alot better thanx to all that have helped and all those i hope i helps lets keep this train rolling

06-18-2006, 05:02 PM
Have a good one ya oul cert ye. :mrgreen: