View Full Version : This may help some of you

09-01-2010, 05:52 PM
well i suffer from a very weird case of anxiety not sure if people get the same as me were i feel abit funny in my face ? and pulpitations come on with the panic attacks and it goes up the roof to be honest. well i would like some of you to try the ways i try to calm myself down and it generallly works

you need a medium size cooking pan and a very large towel thats it
ok first things first boil the kettle poor hot water into the pan around half full and use a seperate towel to put underneath the hot pan put the large towel around your head and the pan upto your face so it is like a sauna make sure you dont spill the pan and burn your self and be carfull that you dont bring the pan to close to your face aswell because it gets really hot now stay like that for around 20 minutes and you will notice you are sweating like mad but this is good because its allready calmed your breathing and took your mind of the panic then after about 20 mins remove the towel and you will feel very good dry on the face but you will feel great i have done this for the last 2 years and it does work sometimes it doesent but its worth a try to yourself

so if you are going to try it post back to this and let me know how you feel afterwards and if you think it helps Thank you guys :unsure: :unsure: ;)

09-07-2010, 02:04 PM
I get the facial weirdness, too!

Thank you for the suggestion! I think I'll try it when I get home tonight!!!