View Full Version : fear of everything

09-01-2010, 03:14 PM
When my anxiety starts acting up it feels like i just have a fear of everything and the fears come and go so fast that i cant even pinpoint what it is that im actually afraid of i get fears of thinking what a crazy person might think of along with a bunch of others it started like this 2 days ago its really bugging me

09-02-2010, 07:03 PM
When my anxiety starts acting up it feels like i just have a fear of everything and the fears come and go so fast that i cant even pinpoint what it is that im actually afraid of i get fears of thinking what a crazy person might think of along with a bunch of others it started like this 2 days ago its really bugging me

Yeah I think that's called transform anxiety, your body is on hyper alert about everything so it can easily morph into a new fear at the drop of a hat. It makes it's hard to deal with but just keep knocking the fears down as they come up!

09-03-2010, 03:01 AM
well we are here to offer help buddy 8)