View Full Version : Im new and ready to find a soulution to my anxiety issues

08-30-2010, 08:18 PM
I have had anxiety problems for as long as I can remember. Not every day or even every month but before I know it a situation occurs out of no where and I start start having pretty bad anxiety issues. It always happens when I'm out somewhere. Like I said it's been happening for a long time but I'm really getting tired of it.

This is the best way I can explain what happens to me.

It's hard to explain but I don't get it from the normal 8-5 grind stressful day. Sorry about my attempts to explain it but its like something will happen or for some reason I will think something is going to happen then that will be instantly followed by a feeling of "fight or flight" with a feeling of being trapped. Then I get a feeling of needing to get away from the situation no matter what as fast as possible. Could be out at the movie theatre or on vacation or even on my way somewhere. When I get away I am fine again. If I stay in the situation the feeling will not go away.

Its no fun for people with me when I have an attack b/c I just shut down and sit there acting like nothing is wrong trying to tough through it so as to not ruin the entire event for everyone else by bolting. My last attack happened on vacation the first night. I toughed through it for my gf. After about day 3 it was manageable and I was about 90 percent ok but I did still wanted to go home. I did find that playing solitaire took my mind off it that first night. The solitaire made me stop thinking about it and I started to relax for a little bit that first night.

08-31-2010, 12:44 AM

Welcome to the forum, good to have you signed up! I think distraction from these feelings when yo have them sounds like a great idea. You have probably conditioned yourself that they come on when your in certain situations so you almost bring them onto yourself.

Once it starts just take your mind elsewhere, really focus on what you can hear. Like really listen to it and it helps distract you! Keep doing it everytime you have the feelings and overtime you can wear them down!

Have you seen a counsellor or alike?