View Full Version : i think i have agoraphobia
08-29-2010, 08:29 PM
I am 19 years old and I think I developed agoraphobia in the last two years. 2 years ago I went to puna cana and freaked out on the plane panicing hyperventilating, not because I was afraid of terrorists but more like claustaphobia and goin so far away. Last year when my panic attacks came back I was home alone while my family was at the beach and I decided to drive up there for the day with my soon as we got on the bridge to cross over to newjersey I panicked. Ever since then I cannot go on vacation or an hour away without thinkin ai am goin to panic. I told my family but they don't understand and will not pay for me to get good help. Is it possible for this to go away or am I doomed for life?
08-30-2010, 09:38 AM
Travel is hard for me ever since I had a horrible panic attack last year in Tennessee while driving quite a long distance. I was trying to call 911 and everything and my husband had to take my phone away. Since then, I have had to "re-learn" how to travel. My brain now sees it has a dangerous thing. I am in therapy and have done several exposres where I will travel short distances as the driver, then as the passenger and so forth. It's been a year since starting the therapy and I am going on a flight next monht. That was a no-no this whole year. So, no you are not doomed, you just have a different view of travel than you did before having the attack. You need to work slowly, like I have, starting with short distances and accepting the panic should it arise and stay in the situation you are in if you do panic because this is the whole point of exposure; it shows your mind that it's ok to panic and if you don't flee, it starts restructuring your thoughts about the certain situation and it becomes easier for you to handle, with or without the panic.
08-30-2010, 07:58 PM
Thankyou that is definately reassuring that it could get better! I hope everything goes good for you on your flight! Just think when you are done that flight you are goin to feel so much better about traveling! I hope to one day be able to get over these fears. Thankyou for ur feedback I feel so much better knowin I am not alone in the world!!
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