View Full Version : Is this normal sounding?anyone here burp alot after attack?

08-29-2010, 08:24 PM
Ok yesterday I had an attack heartbeat fast,light headed,then started burping a LOT and it went away.

THEN last night at bed hubby says"hope its not enlarge heart" so I freak all night about that. Woke at 3 am with heavyness and burping alot.

This AM woke up the same way. Felt panicy earlier and heart racing. Hubby checked and heart rate seemed good.

It hurts at my arm crack by my boob lol... and my stenum feels somewhat sore and chest feels heavy and still burping. Took tagament, rolaids,nothing works...

Any advice??Anyone else been though this. I need advice as I am freaking out..does this sound like a HEART issue to anyone???

ps I am not on anything yet,I used to have them with my ex,then they went away ..after losing our daughter this feb. they came back.I am calling dr tomorrow.

08-29-2010, 08:27 PM
Oh I would love ppl I can talk to about this on yahoo messenger who are like me...

forgot my background

I am 27 f healthy eat good non smoker 2 c sections no issues no previous heart issue that I KNOW OF.

08-30-2010, 05:07 AM
Ok yesterday I had an attack heartbeat fast,light headed,then started burping a LOT and it went away.

THEN last night at bed hubby says"hope its not enlarge heart" so I freak all night about that. Woke at 3 am with heavyness and burping alot.

This AM woke up the same way. Felt panicy earlier and heart racing. Hubby checked and heart rate seemed good.

It hurts at my arm crack by my boob lol... and my stenum feels somewhat sore and chest feels heavy and still burping. Took tagament, rolaids,nothing works...

Any advice??Anyone else been though this. I need advice as I am freaking out..does this sound like a HEART issue to anyone???

ps I am not on anything yet,I used to have them with my ex,then they went away ..after losing our daughter this feb. they came back.I am calling dr tomorrow.

Hey ya, definately not a heart issue! When you are anxious you gulp air which ends up in your stomach. Doesnt sound good but its completely harmless! It will pass! Plus being anxious upsets your stomach which causes the same problem. Dont stress! Its all good! :D

08-30-2010, 09:28 AM
Thanks that makes me feel better. Last night I burped for 3 hours non stop.once it went away my anxiety felt better.

Now today I was cleaning got out of breath and set down and feel somewhat anxious ugh I hate this feeling..

08-30-2010, 09:48 AM
I'm worried about my breathing today also. Usually it's my heart that I obsess over, but now it shifted for some reason! UGH!!!

08-30-2010, 09:50 AM
I worry about my heart too. Like OMG is it enlarged????? ETC... Somedays I worry about breathing too. But I am sure we are all breathing just fine!!!!

The mind is a powerful thing ugh

08-30-2010, 01:39 PM
hi jj, i burp alot to! and i always get hunger pain even when i have eaten plus alot of pressure in my chest like traped wind. i can not tell if its my heart or stomach, weird i know but any of these sensations make me freak about my heart.

08-30-2010, 04:09 PM
Hey there see I can not eat I always feel so sick over my heart or stomach or etc

08-30-2010, 06:26 PM
i cant eat a meal, i have to nibble at bits because i hate feeling full that sets me off aswell :?

08-30-2010, 09:03 PM
I get this all the time too, and yes l stress out about it.

08-31-2010, 12:46 AM
I'm worried about my breathing today also. Usually it's my heart that I obsess over, but now it shifted for some reason! UGH!!!

Funny how it does that isnt it? I notice myself do it and I try and stop and be rational with myself. I tell myself like: "Hang on, you werent anxious of this just before, why now?" Usually its just that I have resolved the first one so my mind finds a new fixation!

08-31-2010, 12:52 AM
You see most people dont see this and thats if someone says things to you liek OOOO hope it aint an enlarged heart then straight away thats going to make you panic and bring anxiety on straight away thats why you should ignore things like that and yes i have burped alot after an attack and made myself feel alot better . :unsure:

08-31-2010, 11:16 AM
Yea I know and so now I am like oh ok maybe my heart is ok but today I been feeling a little light headed ...yuk and breathing seems a little off.

I just worry due to all the negativity that has encircled me. My mom died at age 22 when I was little. grandma was verbally abusive, ex hubby was just like her...I developed anxiety around the age of 19 but it wasn't so bad that I couldnt work,i just tried to ignore but called in sick alot.

When I divorced his idiot self, it went away yey for that.

But then in Feb my hubby and I lost our baby girl at 3 1/2 months due to t9m a rare genetic disorder. and now our son has been sick when he never has been before, he is 29 months old. I keep getting scared something is wrong with him too!


You know how it is,we are a prisoner in our own mind.

09-01-2010, 02:01 AM
Yea I know and so now I am like oh ok maybe my heart is ok but today I been feeling a little light headed ...yuk and breathing seems a little off.

I just worry due to all the negativity that has encircled me. My mom died at age 22 when I was little. grandma was verbally abusive, ex hubby was just like her...I developed anxiety around the age of 19 but it wasn't so bad that I couldnt work,i just tried to ignore but called in sick alot.

When I divorced his idiot self, it went away yey for that.

But then in Feb my hubby and I lost our baby girl at 3 1/2 months due to t9m a rare genetic disorder. and now our son has been sick when he never has been before, he is 29 months old. I keep getting scared something is wrong with him too!


You know how it is,we are a prisoner in our own mind.

I would think it was only natural to be fearful of your sons health after your daughter, that said the best you can do is put your faith in the doctors that see him and take each day as they come.

Your right about being trapped in our own minds, in can be a scary place to be!

09-01-2010, 05:36 PM
right, and like tonight I ate 3 bites and in no time chest felt heavy and burping like crazy!

09-02-2010, 07:51 AM
so now i eat 2 bites and INSTANTLY get heart burn does this sound like anxiety ??? like i eat 2 bites and it hurts me