View Full Version : The role of the thyroid in anxiety

08-23-2010, 01:29 AM
Hey everyone,

Just wondering how many people here with anxiety have had their thyroid levels checked?

I notice there has been people mention it in the past but quite often they havent returned to the forum with their results and I am intrigued to know how much of peoples anxiety problems are caused by hyperthyroidism?

I went along today to see an iridologist as my girlfriend wanted to try it out who said my thyroid was overactive, the symptoms of which include many things that cross into anxiety. Things like feeling edgy, nervous, racing heart, GAD, and free form anxiety etc etc are all side effects which got me thinking surely this must play a role in anxiety? Now obviously the thinking patterns you use and all of that are still involved but does the thyroid impact on it too?

Now I am aware this was only diagnosed by iridology and not a GP but....

I told him nothing at all and in addition to picking up the thyroid things he also picked up my shot left knee and dodgy lower back, deviated septum, astigma in my left eye and that I was very phglemy. I was suitably impressed. lol

08-23-2010, 04:54 AM
Howdy Phoenix

I had mine done when i was bad and it was in the normal range but the normal range is bullshit .

The normal range is set because 98% of health people fall in that range . Well i had bad anxiety so i was far from normal and i also was .01 point above the low scale .

Anxiety plays into alot of things and the thyroid and adernals play into this . They are the things that control the feelings of anxiety . Yes the test will prove if there is something wrong with it but they do not prove if it is over or under working on a large scale but not if it is just over and under . Of course it is over working You have anxiety . Another one is the
amygdala which i believe controls the other two and these in turn control the chemicals being released.

To recover from my anixety i surported my body aswell as changed the way i would react to things . I think that it is as important if not more to surport your body when it is under stress .

Did he tell you anything you should do . May be you should have another chat with him

cheers kev :D

08-23-2010, 07:04 AM
Cheers Kev. Your right about the normal ranges for most of these things, they are not always a true indicator of anything really, a guideline at best.

You make an excellent point in regards to supporting the body and changing the thinking processes. Unfortunately I think in the past when I have been suffering anxiety and stressed I go to the other extreme and take less care of myself.

The guy I saw works in with a naturopath who gave me a few things, quite how they relate to the thyroid I am not sure but I go back in a few weeks to have another chat after I have taken this stuff. Interested to see how it goes though.

08-23-2010, 08:29 PM
In the USA holistic doctors pay for the Mercedes by diagnosing non-existent thyroid conditions...well they used to before Lyme disease became the new malady of the day......used to be Candida. Since the FDA does not regulate these quacks they can have a go at your bank account in many different ways now.

The only thing positive about many of them is that they are not licensed to RX powerful, addicting, brain altering drugs.
