View Full Version : Help info needed

08-20-2010, 11:46 AM
Okay, so about one three months ago I had my first panic attack, and ever since there bad, at least one a day. Anyways, 2 weeks ago I started getting HORRIBLE pain in the left side of my chest, it will sometimes hurt in the center or right side, but constantly left side.
I am not having a panic attack when this happens, I am not even nervus when it starts hurting. I take xanax when my anxiety gets bad, and even when im on that med, my chest is hurting bad. I wake up, and withn 20seconds im having chest pain.
3 days ago, my left arm started hurting almost as bad as my chest.
Neither will go away even for a minute.

I got a upper GI series and they told me my gallbladder prosuces too much bile, and that might cause chest pain. Everything else was fine.

I went to the ER 3 times and had 3 ekgs and everything was fine, they blamed my panic attacks.

I went to the heart doc, and had a stress test, everything is fine.

Nothing makes sense, my chest feels like someone is punching me constantly, even when im calm.. how can this be anxiety?

08-20-2010, 12:48 PM
thats a hard one, thing is uv had test after test after test to see whats wrong with u and everything seems ok so it must be anxiety but why is a different question,is this the only symptom you feel or is it with others to? when i get anxious i also feel it in my chest-i get shooting pains heart pulpatations, shortness of breath and genuinly just feeling weird and scared, i have had a few tests i the past but nothing recently so when mine happens i also thing but what if this time its not anxiety but something more serious which obviously makes me freak out more but if uv had al these tests quite recently then i would just try to focus on getting rid of ur anxiety like seeing a therapist or meditition...theres so many things that are ment to be helpful(im stil figuring out which one wil work for me but no luck so far) as it seems clear that ur health is fine

try to relax :)

08-20-2010, 01:49 PM
I meen I get weird pains all over sometimes, but non that bad besides the chest and left arm.

Like right now I am 100% calm and relaxed, and my chest is hurting pretty bad. Xanex calms me down even more, but does not help my chest pain at all.

It all makes no sense, why do I have the symptoms of a heart attack?
im 21, and have already had my stress test.. I just dont get it.

08-20-2010, 02:54 PM
Sounds difficult.
Perhaps you need to see a specialist.
Perhaps have a chest x-ray to check if there is any thing wrong inside.
If you are a hard drug user that uses injection based drugs, the pain may be from problems caused by injecting.

I think that the chest and arm pains could be anxiety, however, it could also be something else and if the pain does not disappear after you have taken medicine then either your medicine needs to be increased or you are suffering from something else.

Chest pains come in different varieties and are not all the same.
For example, anxiety based chest pains are like short sharp stabbing pains in the heart area. These are not fatal although are a sign that you need to see a doctor to get your anxiety under control.

Now, heart attack chest pains are completely different (apparently, although I have to admit I have been fortunate enough never to have suffered from a heart attack).
Apparently heart attacks are like dead dull pain across your entire chest (both sides).

It sounds though, that what ever is causing the pain, you will need to see a doctor to treat it, as although people on forums may be able to give some well meaning advice, generally, people on forums are not doctors and are unqualified to give you an accurate diagnosis.

In fact, I would imagine that most doctors would not be happy to give you a diagnosis without seeing you in person, and even then, there is no fool proof method that they can use in order to get an accurate diagnosis 100% of time.

But there is no point worrying about the billions of possible things that may go wrong, as worrying will not improve but worsen your condition.
You will simply have to problem solve as best as you can and see the best doctors that you can, as, although they do not get it right every time, I would imagine that they have a much higher success rate than the average lay man.
They also have access to loads of specialists and specialist information.
So, there the people to see.
Good luck with that.