View Full Version : help!! i am new

06-03-2006, 04:55 AM
Hi im new to all this and after a long time in denial i finally admitted i am agoraphobic. now i have realised this i have made an appoinment with my gp but i am worried about going because i have been many times about other things how can i tell him that i think im agoraphobic without him thinking im a hyprocondriact??

06-04-2006, 04:53 PM
well I went in there and told him exactly wot my problem was about 2 years ago. Im not agrophobic but My anxiety could be viewed in the same way. Write down a planned way of tellin the Doctor how you feel. Often people forget what to say, so make sure you are prepared and dont forgot to tell him all the important details.

And good luck, lets us know how you get on!

08-17-2006, 11:20 AM
i went to the doctors i think i got everything out i needed to i was told that an agoraphobic specialist would be writing to me 4-6 weeks after but over 10 weeks have past and i've heard nothing i hate keep contacting them cos i feel im a hyprocondriac but at the same time i want my life back.

08-18-2006, 10:52 AM

I would call up your GP or go and see him again just to see how things are going.

I know how you feel...but you have made the right move in seeking help. They wont tell you off or think you are being annoying if you just ask to see how things are progressing.