View Full Version : please read do i have anxiety , why am i feeling this way?

08-15-2010, 01:11 PM
6months ago i started experiencing anxiety and panic attacks day in day out constantly. they wre terrible. so recently i went to a doctor and he said that you have anxiety. i was finnaly happy to know where i was at but recently i have been so confused of how i was feeling.
i have been staying in the house for weeks not goin out and since it has been so long since i have experienced anxiety or a singlle panic attack for that matter, and i started thinking that i was fine and that i was wasting peoples time and that i am an attention seeker. i have been feeling really guilty because of this and no matter what i say to myself 1 side of my head says your fine. but i mean if i was fine then why would i feel like this . to prove to myself i had anxiety i went to the shop to ay to see what happened and nothing happened. this just made me feel like i am fine and that im a selfish idiot.
my mum also said that it is all in my head and may be she is right i mean i went to the shop today and i didnt feel the horrible anxiety feeling.
im so confused do you think that i have anything wrong with me :(

08-18-2010, 01:19 AM
It is not pleasant to you?