View Full Version : My start to living again.

05-29-2006, 12:12 AM
Well, today I had to take my Mom to the airport (she was visiting me) and I made it. Had anxiety as soon as I started the car, but with my relaxation CD and my Mom's support I did it. Usually the hardest part is when I'm stuck at a light so I always make sure I am in the lane easiest to get out of if I need to. And I continually tell myself that I'm safe and that NOBODY has ever died from an anxiety attack. Now, every day I'm going to take a drive to make sure I don't backtrack. I've been agoraphobic for 17 years, became functional and I'm now relapsed to homebound again. I'm not going to let it shut me off again. It makes me feel good to write that I did something I was afraid to do. Especially since I've been flying and travelling my whole life. I don't want to lose that side of me again. Thanks for listening.

05-29-2006, 01:24 AM
bubby, congrats on making that big step forward! Thats awesome! Its tough but we gotta all keep fighting the anxiety and hopefully bit by bit we can overcome it. You're on your way :)

05-30-2006, 09:12 PM
Thank you, it's always good to get positive reinforcement from people in the same position. Today I shakily took my resume to a place I would like to work. And I was open up front about my anxiety and that I would like just part time to start. I was shaking so bad I thought I wouldn't get through it, but I did. Tomorrow I'm going to a place in the mall I haven't been to in years. Wish me luck!!! ;)

05-30-2006, 09:23 PM
Wow! Good on you Bubbywu. That is soooo awsome. You are sooo brave. I am really really happy for you, it gives us all a ray of hope. You must be so proud of yourself - what an achievement. Push, Push, Push - that's what you've got to do. Keep up the excellent work and keep us posted on your big steps forward.

03-12-2011, 08:14 AM
Reading this is so motivating