View Full Version : new crazy symptom

08-12-2010, 01:47 PM
i have a new crazy symptom its very odd. my middle toes on my left foot feel like there going numb not tingling but like there not there. its odd has anyone had this?

08-12-2010, 02:05 PM

Dont worry to much about this one , I am not sure how it comes about but is common with anxiety .

I have it in my outer toes and also in my hands . And to top it off i have it in half my face and have for about 20 years . I always thought the face one was damage from a virus which it may still be but it plays up more when i am stressed
cheers kev :D

08-12-2010, 03:48 PM
Probably Toe-main poision ...lol :P

08-12-2010, 06:33 PM
hahaha funny. yea i know it sounds dumb but the scary part of it is i was on the diving board at a local pool about a month ago and hit the water wrong and it pulled a muscle in my back and the pain went away a couple of days after that and the recently when i stand up after sitting for a while my legs cramped up and now all of a sudden my toes act like there not there, i heard that if you have a slipped disk it also messes up your leg? anyways my back doesnt hurt at all unless theres pressure or something, idk im tired of anxiety