View Full Version : crazy feelings

08-11-2010, 09:01 PM
for some reason i am getting these feelings like i am forgetting something or cannot talk right and have a hard time remember what i am doing (staying on track- racing thoughts) i could be driving and thinking about stuff then realize that i am driving and think how was i able to drive???!!! i know that this prolly sounds silly but its driving me nuts its like instead of me learning things its like my minds forgetting stuff, everyday things. which leads to anxiety, i hate it. i have yet to quit caffeine, or cigarettes which has a lot to do with it and i dont exercise but i do have ocd over cleaning so i am not lazy at all. matter of fact i can never sit down. i keep going and going until i go to sleep. i still havent went to therapy and i still havent started meds for the simple fact i have a phobia of side effects on any drug except for tums and ib profin. i talked with my doctor about a therapy and he says he never heard of cbt????!!! im stuck and dont know what to do.. thanks for listening if anyone can relate please w/b

08-12-2010, 03:13 AM
Doctor hasnt heard of CBT?? :shock:

Thats a concern....

As for the feelings, I know what you mean. I often drive along or do something without actually even thinking about it. Its like an autopilot thing, happens even when I am really worried.

I wouldnt worry about it all, its just your brain multitasking.