View Full Version : Daily health tip.Managing anxiety 4/10

07-31-2010, 02:52 AM
Hello everyone!
As anxiety sufferers it is important that we fight back in every way any time we can.Doing a lot of little things all add up in the end.Here is my daily health tip and I also invite you to make use of my free personal training blog.

Daily health tip fighting anxiety.
Our body has a natural mood boosting chemical called serotonin,and hormones that regulate serotonin are stimulated by fat consumption.Healthy fats that is.Not all fats are the same.Next time you are in the mood for something sweet,rather have a piece of salmon for instance,or grab some nuts.Use healthy oil in when cooking like olive oil.
Avoid saturated fats and include foods in you diet like fish that is rich in healthy oils.

These foods and healthy oils and fats helps against low self esteem and depression by eventually boosting your serotonin levels.

Something small like that could make a big change.It's the little bottle containing the big poison.In life often the biggest problems have the smallest solution.

Stay positive and good luck.
