View Full Version : Please Help Me

07-24-2010, 08:50 AM
I have moved into my own flat and since sunday I have had difficulty swallowing and when i eat i feel like i need to cough.

I also had pains in my upper abdomen/ chest and that has now moved to my middle back left side.

I am convinced that I have cancer of the oesophagus or a hernia or some sort of heart condition.

Im so scared!! Is it anxiety??x

Please reply im scared.

07-24-2010, 09:59 AM
I can't count how many times I was convinced i had cancer in my lungs, throat, chest, or stomach. Swallowing problems seem to be closely tied with my anxiety and i have trouble for months at a time, then it goes away.

I'm not a doctor but i would say with 99% certainty that it is anxiety.
If i were you I would go get a physical just to be sure.

07-27-2010, 12:12 AM
I have trouble swallowing every time I eat. I've asked my doctor about it before and she said that's one of the symptoms of anxiety....there's an actual term for it but I don't remember what it was.

Just FYI, cancer is known as the "silent killer" and when someone can feel actual signs of cancer, it's usually very well progressed.

My fiance travels a lot for work and I'm left here alone (we recently moved to a new city and I don't know anyone but my fiance), when it comes time to eat, I struggle so much with swallowing that I usually eat once a day until he comes back home. I know it's super unhealthy and I'm trying to cope with it but just so you know, you're not alone.

07-27-2010, 05:45 AM
If it is anxiety then the exercise method is always on top of my list.Go for a good long jog and just feel how you feel after.Make jogging a routine.The chemical called endorphine will be released in your brain and is a good anti-anxiety natural drug of sorts.The brain also resleases serotonin which fights depression.All these benefits from exercising.Get in to the routine.Make it happen.
Good luck to you!

07-27-2010, 08:32 AM
I know how it is to live with anxiety...

You always need people to confirm to you that is NOT a serious issue...

Dont worry Gemma there is nothing wrong with you, its only anxiety...

With anxiety you always think of the worst possible things that can happen...

I lived with it for several years...

Anxiety is only FEAR, by fearing you are only making the cycle of FEAR worse...

Your actually fearing fear, so it becomes a never ending cycle...

It has been 2 years so far, that I havent has anxiety for...

I used this powerful FREE tool that you can get instant access on th link below...

Its really powerful, it works within weeks some people have seen results within days!

Don't worry Gemma, just stay strong, it is only anxiety and know need to be scared about what you have...

anytime you may feel you have a serious illness, or you say what if I get a serious illness, tell yourself I a fine, I am healthy, there is nothing wrong with me...

Instead of fearing these silly thought allow them to come, and even try to laugh about it...

and what happens is that you break the cycle because you stop fearing about it...

all the best Gemma, make sure you get FREE access to the tool, click on the link below, I know it will help, it literally has changed my life...

All the best...

Louise Evans