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05-12-2006, 04:47 PM
Hi, I'm obviously new here. I'm 18 years old and I honestly can't remember not having this. I was formally diagnosed with agoraphobia when I was in middle school, but it was going on a long time before that. Since at least second grade I believe.

Right now I'm doing pretty good. My boyfriend has helped me through a lot these past two and a half years and, though I had to drop out of highschool, I now have a part time job and plan to start collage this summer quarter.

Problem is though, I feel like it's coming back. Today my boyfriend had to argue with me for ten minutes to get me to pick up my check because I was afraid the door was going to be locked and someone would think I was stupid if I tried to open it. I didn't have a panic attack but I could feel it. I haven't been that nervous in a while and it was all over a door!

I was well enough this past summer to go to Disney World without having one panic attack and I don't want to lose that. My family and my boyfriend need me to be able to keep my job and go to school. I'm hoping that by talking here with others who have similar problems I might be able to hold it off long enough to at least get used to school this summer.

Anyway, thank you for your time and I look forward to meeting you all :D

05-17-2006, 07:29 AM
Hitoshirezu_Hana, welcome to the forums. Sorry for the late response, I don't have much time lately it seems.

It's kinda funny how small simple things seem to bug us ain't it hehe. People who don't have anxiety disorders think we are being silly but don't truly know what its like inside our head. You have to sometimes pat yourself on the back for your small accomplishments (as well as the big ones) because others just don't recognize it that way.

anyway, there's a lot of nice supportive people here, I hope you hang around to find out :)