View Full Version : Anxiety in my Relationship

07-14-2010, 12:07 PM
Hey everyone, I've read a lot of the threads here, but no one seems to exactly have the same problem I'm having.

First of all, I'm 21 and in a long distance relationship with someone my age. It's not super long distance, we live about 5 hours apart. We have only been together for a couple of months, but I have known her for 4 years and we went to college together, so it's not like we're not close at all. Three weeks ago I woke up with a horrible feeling of anxiety about anything regarding her, and also became extremely upset because of it. Staying in my room, really just crying because I was upset that I had lost my feelings for her or that I was going to hurt her. I had all sorts of illogical worries and doubts about her, such as that my feelings were gone, were clearly if I was so upset I was going to hurt her, they weren't.

After about a week of horrible anxiety (I also told her about what I was feeling, because the guilt I felt coupled with it was even worse), it just sort of went away. She was very understanding, and stood by me through all of it helping how she could.

The problem is, a couple weeks later this anxiety is back. I get extremely anxious when I think about her, and very upset about the anxiety I feel. While I know the feelings are illogical, they are very powerful and upsetting. I have spent pretty much every morning the last few days laying in bed for a couple hours and crying because I can't overcome this anxiety I feel towards her. The situation is compounded by the fact that we are going to a mutual friend's wedding together this Saturday, and then the plan is on Sunday for her to come visit me at school until about Wednesday. When I think of this whole scenario, my stomach fills with an acidic feeling..while I simultaneously think how nice it would be to spend time with her if I could get over this anxiety. I don't know exactly what the reason is for what I feel, other than that I am very scared I am going to hurt her -- but that feeling didn't really emerge until after I started having anxiety that I think could hurt her.

Does anyone have any advice? Anything and everything would be much appreciated.

07-14-2010, 05:27 PM
So, to add to this, I kind of got put on the spot in that she realized something was up with how I was asking and said "Do you still want me to come at the end of the week?" and I said yes, despite all of my anxiety. My hope is that my feelings for her are trumping my anxiety, and seeing her will just make it all go away. If not, I'm in for an awkward visit..

07-15-2010, 08:29 PM
Saturday is quickly approaching..no one has any advice? :(