View Full Version : anxous about being on holiday and away from my partner

07-09-2010, 09:00 AM

Im new to forums and not sure when i should start, so forgive me for waffling. I've a history with holiday related anxiety, in the sense I get afraid of never coming back. I dont get it on every holiday and I never get it if on holiday with parents or a boyfriend.
This time round i've had bursts of extreme anxiety in the anticipation of this holiday. I then get panicked and find it hard to breath and feel so so trapped. i'm going on holiday monday with 2 friends for 8days. The longest i've been away from him is 4 and the thought is feeling me with dread. Its got to the point where i've convinced myself i dont want to go and now i cant stop thinking about it! i've tried eft technique which lowers the anxiety but im very good at thinking about feeling anxious again, that is becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. i really dont want to live life like this and i want to be able to enjoy a holiday without my partner being there. Does anyone have any tips on how to get through the holiday without feeling so anxious and upset? Thanks so much. Tania