View Full Version : Can anyone answer?

07-05-2010, 11:25 AM
guys i need some answers...

does anxiety hurt the heart in anyway?

does it cause AF? (heart fibrillation)

are the palputations many of us feel harmful in any way?

im really worried about my heart iv stupidly been looking on google for answers and im making things worse...

please help i go on holiday next week and i cant let this cause problems i need to stop the worry before i go :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

07-05-2010, 01:03 PM
I know for a fact that if we have had hearts tests and they come back "normal" then we are fine. It is soooo hard to think that we are, but we are. The things with us is that we need reassurance alot. A person without anxiety will hear from their Doctor their heart is ok and they will move on with their life, us on the other hand, need the reassurance over and over not just once. Anxiety CAN cause all sorts of physical symptoms that we think are dangerous. As long as you have been cleared of having any heart problem, the tricks your heart does IS "just anxiety." As I sit here, I am nervous because I am thinking about my heart and now all of a sudden it started skipping.

07-05-2010, 01:11 PM
sorry my bad :cry:

thats one thing i find interesting... you guys seem to have alot of palps... a hell of alot, i get them once every... month ish?

and here i am complaining god i can't imagine it happening more often :shock:

i had the worsed anxiety over this today but im alot calmer now... i just went for some exercise and burnt some of that energy off...

07-05-2010, 01:27 PM
You didn't do anything, I'm always worried about my heart LOL. Yeah 2 skips a month sounds great to me! But what we suffer with, is hard for us, no matter what it is. My cardiologist told me he has 1000 skips PER DAY but he doesnt feel them, only if he is laying on his left side and that I have a very small amount of them everyday I am just one of the "unlucky" ones that feels every one of them. Actually he told me almost every person in the world has the skips sometimes and just don't feel them, that's how normal they are. But add anxiety on top of that and WE NOTICE EVERY SINGLE ONE & LET IT CONTROL US!!! No fun.

07-05-2010, 01:32 PM
indeed, perhaps im having more then i feel then? i know the heart palps are normal im just confused over heart fibrillation which seems to have the exact same issues as palps but the speeded up palse rate is far greater and longer (150 bpm and can be constant)

for some reason i have it in my mind that i could have this as the symptoms match up but again i need to think about it and what do i KNOW i have... anxiety... what causes palps... anxiety...

07-05-2010, 01:34 PM
So by "fibrillation" you mean you feel your heart quiver? Or flutter? A fast heart rate is called Tachycardia....

07-05-2010, 01:38 PM
its just a condition i came across and since doing so i keep thinking iv got it, apparently it gives a quivering feeling in the chest and maintains a constant high pulse rate, iv never had any of that but still my mind goes on...

the scary part is that, that condition causes strokes (which is probably why think i have it, typical anxious responce)

iv never felt my heart shake or vibrate or anything lol all iv ever had is a 3/4 second long heart palputation which im assured is normal and harmless

07-05-2010, 03:48 PM
if you have been to a doctor and said its ok then your fine. i worry about my heart so much that today its being retarded and im getting palps and its racing slightly to about 85. ive been told over and over its just the anxiety but its so hard to believe when the same symtoms repeat daily weekly. yea once or twice a month i wouldnt mind as much.

usually for me i will worry all day and at night its so built up that i will sometimes give myself panic attacks.

07-05-2010, 06:06 PM
Panic is no worse for the heart than a jog round the block.

The human body is designed to speed the heart up in response to adrenaline and it is a completely harmless reaction to a fearful situation.

It is true that - if your heart was on the verge of stopping anyway, through coronary heart disease or something similar - then a panic attack could potentially push you over the edge because you do become temporarily tachycardic and your blood pressure rises, but palpitations are not the same as fibrillation.