View Full Version : symptoms without feeling anxious??

07-02-2010, 08:58 AM
Hello everyone just joined the forum cuz i think it is great and its great seeing other peapol living in hell too. i was just wondering if it is normal to feel psychical symptoms such as chest pain tingeling etc without really feeling anxious or stressed in my head?? i sometimes wake up in a good mood feeling super then somewhere along the day i start feeling chestpain or other symptoms and then start thinking about all it could be and im getting anxious in my head. anyone else got it like this?

07-02-2010, 10:13 AM
yeah, that's fine. I get that too. I don't get the heart and chestt symptoms so much, but I do feel like I have alot of energy, and I used to get DR without feeling anxious. totally normal.

07-02-2010, 12:13 PM
yes, that happens to me too sometimes, I'm always concerned with my breathing and chest symptoms.

07-04-2010, 05:49 PM

The sympathetic nervous responses that cause the physical symptoms are triggered by the subconscious mind. This is not the same as your conscious thoughts.

If you were to spill boiling water on your hand, the subconscious mind has caused you to pull your hand away before your conscious mind even realises that it's hot. The body has to work like this - we can't rely on our slow realisation to control our response to danger.

Very often the release of adrenalin - which triggers the physical symptoms - can be completely independent of your conscious thoughts.


07-06-2010, 03:10 AM
i get this, i had a temp doctor and he was great he told me that although i'm not thinking about anxiety subconsciously i am

07-08-2010, 10:32 PM
It really is as simple as everyone is saying. You may not think you are anxious but that one little pain in your chest has lead to your body being anxious about it and it goes in a circle. Its really why people deal with this for so long. O have gotten almost all of my symptoms under control but the pain in my chest thats comes and goes all day everyday. Its scary but you just need to remember you are healthy. If a doctor runs a bunch of tests on you and finds nothing wrong, then he is most likely right.

My doctor did an Echocardiogram on my heart, where I literally got to see my heart in good working order and I still have chest pain everyday. But I do believe him that I'm heart healthy