View Full Version : 3 Years Sick With Anxiety ???

06-22-2010, 08:23 AM
My situation is somewhat unique. Many years ago I went off Xanax and had almost 3 years of severe withdrawal. A few years ago I had a major anxiety trigger and ALL the benzo symptoms came back for 6 months then stopped within two weeks.
Many of these benzo symptoms are not found in anxiety so I know where they came from......still to have them after over 10 years off was frightening.
Three years ago I had a major health scare that put me into SEVERE anxiety....and again the old benzo symptoms came back with a vengeance. I have been totally disabled by them for over 3 years.
For a long time I thought it was the benzo brain damage and I just had to wait it out like the original withdrawal. Now I am wondering if it is my anxiety and fear of the horrid symptoms that are keeping them going.
Most days I dont feel anxiety, just the raw agitation that causes me to walk and pace hours a day, the severe neurological burning all the time just like benzo withdrawal and times of feeling so sick I am in bed and feel like I am dying.
I welcome any thoughts from anxiety veterans.