View Full Version : Surprising results with Prochlorperazine

06-13-2010, 10:46 AM
I think I've spelt it correctly anyway!
Having had a recent spell of dizziness and nausea my doc put me on the above, little did I realise they're also used for treating anxiety.
Within 2 pills (10mg) both side effects had gone together with the panic, second fear and anxieties. Life has been almost indescribable these last two weeks and Friday saw the last pills of the prescription.
We r now at Sunday. I'm like a coiled spring, paranoid, anxious, and v v dizzy and nauseous again. The back of my neck feels tight and I feel like someone is strangling me my throat is equally as tight.
I'm going to try and see the doc tomorrow as I'm convinced my 2 wks of freedom weren't just a placebo and c if 15mg a day cld b prescribed long term.
Has anyone else had anxiety coupled with dizzy spells and nausea, plus v tight neck and throat? I want to c if enough people share my symptoms and c if this drug also wrks for them.
Pls drop me a note! I will update here with the docs views also.