View Full Version : magic mushrooms
04-12-2006, 11:18 PM
well last night i was at my friends house and i decided to try some magic mushrooms cause my anxiety was acting up all day, i hadn't had a full out panic attack in about 2 weeks. after like 30 minutes of taking them i started freaking out and thought about really fucked up shit and had the worst panic attack of my life that lasted 4 hours until the doctor gave me an ativan and i just went to bed when i got home.
now i have some clonazepam and i took one today and it helped but i cant seem to stop thinking about what i was thinking about when i was high on the mushrooms and it scared the fucking shit out of me and it still does.
anyone got any suggestions or help?
04-13-2006, 04:05 PM
hey man sorry to hear bout the mishap drugs defentily aren't the best thing for anxiety becuase i can agree with u on fucked up thoughts when i'm takin them i smoked pot for along time and never had a problem it was my savyour for a long time but after awhile it didn't do it for me i would smoke and my anxiety would go crazy and i don't know what u thought it defentily can't be worse than what i thought a litle taste i thought i would lose my mind ad hurt someoneone or myself that rnning through your head constantly is freaking scary but your probably better off just not doing anythin in te long run you'll be happier having a clear mind bt good luck with all this
04-13-2006, 07:05 PM
i was convinced i was dying. i was thinking about shit like i dont know how i can control my body and what is real and thought about death and thought i was seriously dying and noone is real and all this fucked up shit man i cant stand it....some people think i should be put away into a padded room.
i just found out i have OCD - i always have fucked up thoughts and cant stop thinking about them, then when i finally get over the thoughts they just come back all the time randomly.
04-13-2006, 09:12 PM
i've had those thoughts and they freak u out but neone who say that u should be put away should be put away there just ignorant they don't know what its like to be in a constant battle with yourself but that whole unreal thing i mean not only does horrible anxiety cause that but thats what mushroom do i would stay away take the klonipin when needed and just try doing things u enjoy til the thoughts pass i've gotten ova alot of fear but once and awhile i still think bout them keep ya head up tho man your not crazy just nervous remember that
04-25-2006, 04:07 PM
Ive nvr taken these mushrooms, but i have been around people who have taken them. Its not a pretty sight, sure they are having a blast, but they really are embarrasing and pretty crazy. One of my friends had a bad trip and was very sick, vomiting and crying uncontrollably. I wouldnt recommend people take these things, they are illegal (well in england they are) and there is a reason why they are illegal, they are harmful!
05-07-2006, 07:24 AM
I used to deal these little things (mines were big, haha), they used to kall me Mario (as in Mario Brothers).
I would always walk around in school, with a bottle of coca cola (spiked with jack) in my pocket, and my akoustik in my arms, and shrooms inside my akoustik.
Well, there are alot of faktors when it komes to shrooms.
One thing i will mention.
these things are fucking psycho. I mean one reason why you have alot of anxiety is from thinking alot.
And shrooms just "open your third eye".
So as opposed to having two eyes and a head full of bad thoughts, now you have THREE eyes, which is one more fucking eye to worry about.
Chances are, if you are thinking about having a bad trip, you are going to have a bad trip. Im NOT saying it only happens when you think about it, but the majority of the time that i have seen or heard of bad trips was bekause i was thinking about having one.
its not good to take anything else, while on these. No alcohol, no nothing else. (unless you are experienced and you want to kick it up by smoking some pot, but once again, its not recommended for anxiety sufferers).
Well, i got a few bad trips, saw shadows in the walls while it was pitch black, knocking down shower kurtains at a party, yelling for an ambulance, seeing triangles in the sky, and i decided to get out of that business.
I also got these flashback you are talking about.
They go away, i promise you. For me it took a while, bekause i didnt know how to kontrol my thoughts. But now its just as if you were treating regular anxiety. Relax when you feel it koming it will pass, and it will make you stronger later on.
05-07-2006, 03:01 PM
true angel i think we do think too much, its probably the cause of all this. Its hard not to think tho isnt it :? Its just a pain in the arse, I wonder how our minds differ from those of normal people. The frustrating thing about anxiety is thay nobody can tell whats going on inside any1 elses heads, so its hard for others to understand what we are going through.
05-07-2006, 03:33 PM
sorry, i type alot of extra stuff sometimes, i usually post on here when i am deprived of sleep, and all these thoughts are racing in my mind.
I used to freak out on this, but this gives me something to channel my adrenaline towards.
Thinking alot isnt necessarily a bad thing, it kan be used to your advantage in many ways.
Aktually i truly believe that having chronik anxiety is a gift. Seriously.
You see things from the angles that nobody else will see them from, even if it means negative, and then once you kontrol your negative thinking, you will see them from the other side. So we see things from ALL angles. And all that kan be used in ALOT of fields, kause usually people are either really naive or narrow minded. And ill tell you all something, once we get all this under kontrol, we are goign to be stronger, healthier, and alot more aware then ALOT of people usually are.
And i dont mean to single anybody out, kause EVERYONE has anxiety, just soem have a little more than others.
Scat- We ARE the normal people.
i was convinced i was dying. i was thinking about shit like i dont know how i can control my body and what is real and thought about death and thought i was seriously dying and noone is real and all this fucked up shit man i cant stand it....some people think i should be put away into a padded room.
i just found out i have OCD - i always have fucked up thoughts and cant stop thinking about them, then when i finally get over the thoughts they just come back all the time randomly.
Sorry,but...what is OCD?
sorry, i type alot of extra stuff sometimes, i usually post on here when i am deprived of sleep, and all these thoughts are racing in my mind.
I used to freak out on this, but this gives me something to channel my adrenaline towards.
Thinking alot isnt necessarily a bad thing, it kan be used to your advantage in many ways.
Aktually i truly believe that having chronik anxiety is a gift. Seriously.
You see things from the angles that nobody else will see them from, even if it means negative, and then once you kontrol your negative thinking, you will see them from the other side. So we see things from ALL angles. And all that kan be used in ALOT of fields, kause usually people are either really naive or narrow minded. And ill tell you all something, once we get all this under kontrol, we are goign to be stronger, healthier, and alot more aware then ALOT of people usually are.
And i dont mean to single anybody out, kause EVERYONE has anxiety, just soem have a little more than others.
Scat- We ARE the normal people.
I think you're so damn right!
Thinking a lot is all about analysing situations and people,it is like we have to "study" things to feel sure,you know.I used to think a lot to the point that I couldn't sleep soon,once.Sometimes I think so much at the end of the week I feel sick.
I think it's even a way to be more creative in things and it is a good way to work stuff out.
When I think I even imagine every kind of way things could turn in or (with people relationships) I think if I act in some way what the reaction would be.It's like I see everything in my head how they could be,even before they have happened.But maybe this is normal.Oh well,I don't know :unsure:
06-25-2006, 07:45 AM
OCD is obsessive compulsive disorder. OCD is either obsessing over doing something or thinking about something.
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