View Full Version : Help with Sudden Anxiety

06-11-2010, 11:37 AM

New here sorry if this is in the wrong place but....

Before I start, I'd just like to ask that you don't respond with anything that could be taken as depressing or scary. That will seriously freak me out and I've already gone against my rule of reading about ailments online.... Even if you disagree with something I've said, please state it in a manner that will help me...

Thanks :)


I'm a 25 year old male. I would consider myself very happy. I've been married to my wife for 2 years, and we are very happy. Last Friday I was hit with some very strong anxiety that I just can't get rid of. I think it may be the stress of the house we recently bought, my new hour plus car ride to work because of the move, and my wife's month of driving an hour and a half to her job (does it every third month) that has really stressed me out.

I've always had mild anxiety, worried if the wife doesn't call whens on her way home, worried about illness, etc...but nothing quite like this.

I was overwhelmed with anxiety and fear and have been since last Friday. I can barely sleep and go to work and sit like a zombie. I rarely have an appetite, but I make sure I eat, and I can't get through a night without waking up completely awake. I've gone to the hospital where they told me I was fine and gave me Ativan. This seemed to help for the night, but the next day I had the same fear. I went to the doctor where I was prescribed citalopram. I've take the pill only once, but I've read a ton of side effects that make me nervous to be honest.

It's easy to say don't worry about it and get rid of your stress, but certain things are out of my control. I just feel (even though it's only been a week) that my anxiety is caused by fear that this will never go away.

Oh, and a side note: Most of my anxiety is while I'm at work (not the job, just the boredom that comes with it), or while I'm bored and alone. I had extremely bad anxiety at work yesterday, and I got home and was perfectly fine all night with my wife. I thought it might have been gone, and then it came right back this morning. That's is the most frustrating part. I feel like when I'm with my wife I'm close to 100%, but obviously following her around 24/7 is not a solution. Feeling like I can't cope with this without being around her gives me anxiety when she leaves as well.

Please offer me some positive responses. I hate feeling helpless!
