View Full Version : Help me please

05-29-2010, 06:52 AM
I think I'm having a breakdown and feel i need some help, is there a hotline number I can call please help me.

05-29-2010, 08:37 AM
I've pulled out couches before so that I could jam myself behind the couch. I've cowered in my closet, slept UNDER the bed. I did this for YEARS.

I've recovered now and I just want you to know that the fear, the depression won't kill you. You are safe. You have always been safe. You WILL be okay. If I made it through years of cowering under the bed, well heck, so can you.

There's nothing I can tell you to make the pain go away. Word are useless. The only thing that will make the pain go away is ACTION. This is something I learned from the Linden Method that got me through my worst moments. Get an MP3 player and put on the loudest, funkiest dance or headbanging music that you love and DANCE!! Dance and don't stop until there's a smile on your face.

After that, get some anxiety coaching and you'll be right as rain.


05-29-2010, 08:41 AM
And you'll need to tell people what country you're in if you want a number. But the fastest way is to go into Google, type in your country and then SUICIDE HOTLINE. You should get a number.


05-29-2010, 03:17 PM
Are you on medication? If not get to a doctor. You need to find someone to talk to and some meds will help you to calm down. I am struggling too at the moment. I ask myself everyday how long I have to suffer for.

In the interim: call someone, have a hot tea, maybe put on a funny movie and really breathe, even if you concentrate on breathing for an hour.

Get some help