View Full Version : new here

04-05-2006, 09:07 AM
I am new here and have been having terrible anxiety for over a year now. It all seemed to start after having my gall bladdder removed. I know that sounds strange, but I wonder if that anesthia did something crazy to my brain. OhWell!! I now have anxiety reguardless, and some days it is horrible. I cant think clearly and seem to forget things. I have to take .5 mg xanax just to sleep at night. Anyone else have insomnia because of this. Any other remedies besides xanax?? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

04-05-2006, 06:37 PM
Hi tennis bunny,

They say (the professionals that is- well I was told this) that a major change/event in your life can bring on anxiety/panick attacks/agoraphobia. I got mine after having my ears pinned back (as they stuck out).

At the time I was put on allegron for the agoraphobia, and rivotril to help with my sleeping as I would just lie there for hours unable to sleep. Some 10 years later when I was pregnant with my first child, I discovered that rivotril is a drug used for epilepsy (which kind of freaked me - as the doctors were asking why was I on it),
so I slowly took myself off it and once my baby came along I never had trouble sleeping (to buggered) :)