View Full Version : scared and just need of help, symptoms, is anxiety taking

05-19-2010, 10:39 PM
I have been suffering from really bad depression and anxiety lately i believe. I have had a brain mri, to other tests and everything still comes out normal. I am college athlete that tries to stay in shape in the off season. I have been always worried about my health from having als to parkinsons, i have twitches, headaches, i stumble over words sometimes. I can still manage to run and workout fairly good. I am in kind of a stressfull point in my life between my ex girl friend and school. I am only 24 years old and i feel like anxiety is killing me. Anytime i yell or am put down or i feel nervous my legs weaken on me and my stomach turns. I have been feeling weak lately in my legs, and its really making me upset. I am looking to god to help me get past this. In the back on my mind i say maybe it could be something serouis, but i wouldnt be able to run a few miles jump rope and do these things even if they do take a toll on me. I havent been really loosing weight, i actually need to drop a few pounds. I just feel that i have no energy, my doctor says i have bad anxiety that could cause this. I never knew there was so many physical symptoms of anxiety. Does anyone feel the same, did anyone out there go through the stages of diseases. I even convinced myself i had a brain tumor, i convinced myself i had als, i think all of these things added up to cause huge anxiety in my life. Everytime i fight with my ex girl friend and she puts me down, i become weak, and feel depressed and i just want someone out there to talk to if they know what i am going through. I am not some anti social kid who sits in the basement even though there is nothing wrong with that, i go out, i am a jokester i used to enjoy life, never worry about pain or weakness, now its all i think about. I know im young i just hope i can snap out of it, im just scared and wish people could understand what i am going through. It just makes me want to cry because i feel like i have to push my body so much to do the things i used to be able to do, hopefully one day i can bounce back. Any feedback i would appreciate.

05-20-2010, 04:00 AM
Yes to ALL your questions and symptoms. Unbeknownst to me my anxiety was running so rampant I had every physical symptom on the planet I think. The leg weakness/rubbery sensation is a hard one to get past and I hated the muscle twitches with a passion. I started lexapro about 2 months ago and it has done wonders for me. Therapy is another option, and I will start that too, but needed some help first otherwise. All of my symptoms got better on the lexapro - and not because I expected them to. I never in a million years thought it would take all those physical things away and was not expecting it AT ALL. Because of that, I KNOW its all anxiety now and I can handle things much better when they do happen ( I still have bad days when there is alot of stress going on but its very manageable and goes away within a few days). Adjustment to the meds takes time and can increase anxiety for the first few weeks, but you will notice and improvement in some symptoms in the first week even though you may feel other things (if you ever decide to get on one of the SSRI's) I highly suggest going to see a psychiatrist to get put on meds if you want to try it as they will be able to probe you mentally better and get a better feel for which one will suit you the best if thats the course you decide.