View Full Version : The Matrix Effect - Whats Going on ? Please advise me :)

05-17-2010, 08:26 AM
First i would like to say thank you to the Admins who set this site up. It's very good to know that others have problems and are able to help each other via this forum.

I Registred in the hope somebody can help me understand if my issues are unique or if somebody has been through this.

My issues

I am suffering from Anxity & Depression and i fully accept this

I have also had panic attacks for 6 years+ and now manage to stop them most times so i feel good about this :)

My biggest problem is when i get the courage to go out of the house and i am walking i can suddenly get a buzzing / Dizzy / Feeling in my head and i feel like my vision is not seeing the real world correctly - Very hard to describe this.

When i am like this i really don't like the feeling at all but it's never caused me to have a panic attack yet so i guess i cope with it reasonbly well. However if somebody was to talk with me at this momment i would go to bits completly.

It brings on a very paranoid feeling

Any body had this before ?

Many thanks in advance :)

05-17-2010, 11:23 AM
Someone just asked recently about brain zaps and your description fits perfectly to the ones that I get. Sometimes the sensation is much more powerful than other times. For alot of people they get them when they start meds. For me, I always had them, and they stopped when I started meds. Anyway, look up brain zaps on the website and someone has posted an explanation. Just so you know, I get that sensation as well and its considered normal.

05-18-2010, 08:03 AM
Thanks for that NJMOM - I will look up Brain Zaps although i have never come across this name before , It's good to know someone knows what i mean & it's not a sign of anything worse :)

I think when your anxous you do the automatic - Worse case senario - LOL

I will now go and look up this brain zaps :)

MANY MANY THANKS for your reply