View Full Version : Well I'm new to the anxiety band waggon

05-11-2010, 01:20 PM
I was all fine last Jan till feb when I got stress that was constant. Then a few months ago I had my first panic attack sending me to the hospital thinking I was having a heart attack classic first time panic gowers. Now it's constant anxiety day and night. I have alot of the symptoms I find it hard to consentrate at work it's annoying and I don't want it to effect my job since I have good insurance. I have found though that taking omega 3 fish oil capsuls every day has been subsiding my symptoms somewhat. And what fuels my anxiety now is the fact that I am overweight my heart now constintly pounds with anxiety and the fact now that it has to work with my belly fat. I'm finding it hard to exersise cause of my pounding heart thinking that it is going to explode if I get on the treadmill and run. Oh what to do what to do. I'm glad I'm not the only one dealing with this. :(

05-11-2010, 02:42 PM
Firstly, welcome to the world of anxiety!

I would strongly suggest seeing your doctor, sounds like you need something to help ease the anxiety, once you can start to get that under control or even have it in your head that soon you will have it under control you will then be able to try and focus on other things.

Have you thought about getting your doctor to sign you off work for a week, just to try and get your thoughts together and then go from there, take a bit of time out to yourself, sometimes that helps a lot.

Chatting to others on here will also help, as its great to know your not alone, and others are going through the same type of things.

If you can't stand the thought of exercise yet, try just going for slow walks, take your time and go at your own pace. Getting yourself out and about should calm you a little. Also diet is a big part of how your body and brain act, try eating a little healthier and you may find that helps.

Hopefully this helps a little.

Skippy :)

05-11-2010, 03:47 PM
I am new here too, l have the exact same problem as you, l have found this forum very good, reading that you are not alone

05-11-2010, 08:18 PM
You have to know that anxiety is a natural reflex that warns you of danger. It is a self-protective mechanism. Anxiety may be warning you that, yes, you do need to do something about your health.

But first you need to do something about your panic attacks. Panic attacks, believe it or not, are caused by fear of another panic attack. There are instant cures for this that come with virtually every anxiety treatment program on the internet. I checked out Panic Away and it really works. It is a very interesting twist on the Claire Weekes Floating method that was developed about 50 years ago.

About your health, you feel you can't change because you think you need to go from 0 to 100 in 2 seconds. You need to phase in the changes gradually. Get a chart and write down all the stuff you normally eat in a week. Then put in a super healthy meal the first week and sign up for a yoga or tai chi class. Slowly bring in vigorous exercise bit by bit. Exercise for 3 mins if that's all you can handle. The chart or diary will help you track your progress.

Never go cold turkey on anything. You will break down eventually and the guilt will cause a panic attack, guaranteed.


05-12-2010, 10:36 AM
I just posted a new thread called "Health anxiety-anyone else?" You should read it, because there are others that have the fear of our hearts (including me) anjd refuse to get on a treadmill because of it. You sound like me, and many others on here! Welcome! ;)

05-12-2010, 12:20 PM
And don't forget PGM, your heart is supposed to pound when you exercise :)

Maybe do a little something in increments, like taking a short brisk walk outside, to get used to the feeling. Work up gradually from there.

Good luck, oh and welcome!
