View Full Version : this is my story HELP !!!!!!
05-09-2010, 01:50 PM
i use to smoke weed literally every night for a good 2 years and not to mention other drugs on weekends at party's but one night about 1 year ago after i smoked a spliff i was watching t.v and all of a sudden i had this over whelming high pitched noise in my head and my heart start beating like crazy i thort i was going to die litteraly i stayed up walking back and forth for hours just in case when i sat down it would do it again so... a few days later a had the same feeling again and it keeped coming back with out the high pitched noise this is. so i looked into it and found out it was anxiety so i quit weed imediatly and well any form of high for that matter including acohol i then controled it and stoped getting the feeling until new years eve so this is a good 5months with out a feeling of anxiety then it all went horrible rong i was spiked with MDMA and thort i was losing my head walked away from the party i was at left all my belongings and walk off on my own. now normaly a come down off mdma last 2 days or so mine lastd 1month and every since then i have had the feeling of going crazy it comes and goes last month i conquerd it and didnt have it for about 3 weeks i used the word No when ever i felt like thinking about it and it got less and less and then one day it sliped into my head again and now i i cant stop thinking about it i have not been to a doctor and have not bee properly diegnosed. i get this feeling when i watch films or hear stories about some one loosing there mind. and i imediatly think omg what if that happens to me. also seen as ive got out of the drug scene i now have not allot of friends because all the do is drugs which i now hate with a passion so where as i use to go out every night socialising i now sit at home with my parents and i feel like they might be contributing to it i use to be so out going and now im an anti social mess basicly letting my thoughts worry me to much. can someone please give me a verdict i am 18 by the way and i am able to laugh at something that is funny and i am addicted to smoking and gambling i am also over weight now seen as i dont go out atall.
05-09-2010, 02:05 PM
sorry i forgot to add my symptoms i have atm.
fuzzy head
stomach goes but not that much
i no longer get heart palpitations
fear of loosing my mind
fear of dyeing
a general up tight feeling
when i get goose bumps of you know when you see someone good on xfactor and u get a funny feeling well that will stay with me for hours
and one i find hard too explain
05-10-2010, 06:41 PM
Dude, these are you classic Anxiety symptoms. I used to get these symptoms as well, and this was when I wasn't smoking weed, lol. Quitting weed cold turkey is not a good idea as you will get withdrawal symptoms (which is what your experiencing now). I'm not sure what your history is with Marijuana, but if you have been smoking for years and are serious about quitting, find a support group.
I would strongly suggest you see a physician as well, just to be safe and rule out any underlying illness (which I doubt you have any).
But yeah, those symptoms you described are classic Anxiety symptoms. I actually experienced those last week for several days AFTER hitting my bong. You'll be fine..... :P
05-20-2010, 07:32 AM
Hi joshycoxville,
It does sound like you're having panic attacks. I had them a lot back in high school and I smoked a lot of pot too. Pot can mellow some people out, but I think it you're sensitive to it, it can make you really anxious.
I think it's great you stopped the weed and hanging out with the guys who use.
18 is an incredibly stressful age under the best of circumstances, but you have the added stress of now having the worried thoughts and anxiety symptoms.
Are there any kids you can socialize with who don't use? For example, do you have any friends or acquaintances who you can just hang out with one on one and play video games with?
Are you artistic or do you have any other hobby you're good at, like playing the guitar? Do you like a certain band? Can you maybe start talking to kids in school about your interests and hobbies and see if maybe you have things in common?
Then you can invite them over to just hang out and listen to music, or dray or play guitar or whatever. Try to do something like this with one person after school this week. You will feel good about yourself. And once you start socializing again, it will get easier and easier for you.
If you find you can't even socialize on a small scale like this because of the thoughts and anxious feelings, then you should check with your doctor. You are not going crazy and anxiety is easily treated these days, but you have to go and get the help.
Good luck!
08-02-2012, 12:34 AM
I used to smoke weed and do other drugs once in a while, but one day, I just started having nightmares whenever I smoked. I was smoking to relieve anxiety and to stop overeating, because I'm also overweight (weird I know, most people eat MORE not less) Now I have stopped all drugs except prescription. I don't know why you suddenly had symptoms but it happened to me too, but in a different way. I hope you can recover from this, you do seem to have symptoms of anxiety I believe.
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