View Full Version : alot of anxiety symtoms, please help

05-08-2010, 04:10 PM
hi my symptoms started about 1and half yrs ago, it started with panic attacks , they seem to be gettin alot worse (the symtoms of anxiety)
almost constant chest pain,
. tummy and back ache
. muscle twitches and spazams,
. head zaps (especially when i almost drop water) mainly when i am filling the iron up with water and i fear of spilling it, if i do spill some i get a big feeling of electric shock go though my head,
. body aches
. chills
. sensitive nearvs of my elbows
. constipation
and lots more i just dont know what to do anymore, i have a 5month old and a 2 year old who i want to stay strong and get better for but im just getting worse,,,, please tell me other people with anxiety has these symptoms althoght i wouldnt wish it on any one,,,
i have not been to the doctor and im so scared, help x

05-08-2010, 04:26 PM
Those are all major signs of anxiety (and I've had them all plus some). I have a 19 month old, so.... I was bad for a while. Since I had her actually and finally started meds. Lexapro if you're wondering. Its very mild and has helped me greatly. If you want more info I'd be glad to tell you anything just PM me. Lots of people do cognitive behavioural therapy as well. Some do them both together. Both the meds and the therapy take time although there are short lasting meds you can take while the long lasting stuff starts working.

05-10-2010, 12:09 PM
I used to get a load of symptoms when i first start suffering from it. i still have it but not as bad and the symptoms i have now are feelings of electricity going through my head whenever something startles me, nausea, heart racing and i have also been told i could have IBS.

05-10-2010, 07:23 PM
My anxiety isn't like that, but my heart goes out to you and I wish you the best and hope you figure things out! =)

05-11-2010, 07:41 PM
I don't think you need meds but cognitive behavioural therapy is definitely a good idea. Your anxiety was triggered by something (probably the stress of looking after such small children) but now it is maintained by your fear of having more panic attacks and the fear of going mad.

CBT will give you new beliefs and positive thought patterns that will, over time, neutralise the abnormally high anxiety that you have. It is very effective and not at all like psychoanalysis, which can drag on forever. CBT has a time limit and doesn't go into your past. Make sure you find a therapist that specialises in anxiety. Some of them specialise in depression and eating disorders.

If you can't afford a therapist, try one of the programs on the internet. I know some people think they are scams or whatever but I went through the Linden Method and I recovered from a decade old case of Generalised Anxiety. I was so grateful I even put up my own website and started selling it as an affiliate. I also checked out Panic Away, which I also think is very good. These programs are all based on CBT.

Whatever you do, take some action. I know you are hurting badly but please consider CBT before you take drugs. You can always take the drugs later if the CBT doesn't work.


05-11-2010, 07:51 PM
I don't think you need meds but cognitive behavioural therapy is definitely a good idea. Your anxiety was triggered by something (probably the stress of looking after such small children) but now it is maintained by your fear of having more panic attacks and the fear of going mad.

Fantasic Well said ITs a shame that many many people that treat people with anxiety cannot see this and think that it has to do with something that happened 30 years ago and treat on that basest and often cause more people .

cheers kev :D