View Full Version : Anxiety eye tricks?

04-19-2010, 03:52 PM
Since about a week ago it seems that I have hypersensitivity to my surroundings, thinking i saw something in the corner of my eye when it's just someone walking, a car etc. but what worries is when something that's not completely in my peripheral vision but not what im focused on seems move eg. lines on bottom of a page, patterns on a wall. this only happens for about a second and stops when i focus on whats seeming to move. this also often seems to happen when im feeling especially anxious or thinking about my vision hypersensitivity. im wondering if this is anxiety related or something more serious and if anyone else experiences something similar

04-21-2010, 06:45 AM
I get this too. As well as "floaters" in my vision, foggy vision and sometimes a small patch of my vision goes blank-I am seeing a neurologist about this tomorow. It's pretty scary but apparently visual disturbances are a normal symptom of anxiety.

04-23-2010, 05:44 PM
its reassuring to know that im not the only one having these symptoms

let me know how the neurologist visit goes

04-25-2010, 08:49 PM
This happens to me very, very often. I have always seen Floaters, but when my Anxiety is bad, my vision does some crazy things. It's blurry, fuzzy and I can see stars, spots, etc. I definitely see things out of the corner of my eye all the time. It can just be a shadow, glare, whatever it may be, but it always startles me and causes me to look. This happens to me very often at work as I work in a bright kitchen and there are always things going on and people moving very quickly. I would say that it's definitely a cause of anxiety. Once when I was having an anxiety attack my vision was so distorted that it seemed like it was raining but I was inside. Very fuzzy and hazy. Hope this helps or reassures you

04-26-2010, 07:45 AM
Me too. Happens a lot, I actually think I see someone or something quickly moving past out of the corner of my eye and there is nothing there. I have also developed "cluster" headaches in the last few years - ouch. My vision becomes blurry like I am looking through a flame or something. You're not alone.