View Full Version : this is crazy

04-02-2010, 12:42 PM
I have GAD but do not have and have never had acute anxiety/panic attacks. I just started calcium/magnesium and Omega 3 yesterday. About 1/2 hour after taking the cal/mag and omega I had a mild panic attack. Then today again I took it and in about an hour and half I had another mild panic attack. What is going on here? Everything I read is that cal/mag and Omega 3 are really good for anxiety?

Can anyone offer a suggestion, this is nuts!

04-03-2010, 10:04 AM
I'm completely new to this forum, but I often have issues taking vitamins and get more attacks after I do so. I don't have an answer, but for the past 3 days I have been taking them again and having almost 3 attacks a day. I'm sticking with it this time to see if its just an adjustment that my body has to go through. I usually just stop taking them. The only thing I know is low through bloodwork is my vitamin D (it was virtually nonexistant) but am taking other supplements now too. I need to get some magnesium and omega 3, but for now I'm just doing the vitamin D, calcium and general multivitamin. Sorry I'm not much help, just wanted you to know I have the same problem.

04-03-2010, 04:40 PM
Njmom, thanks. Can I ask a favor, if it's not too much trouble check back in with me in the coming weeks and let me know your experience with calcium/magnesium and omega 3. Perhaps start taking cal/mag alone first for a few days, and if OK, add Omega 3. This way if you have an attack, you might be able to determine if its cal/mag or omega 3. I had to stop taking it yesterday because of the anxiety. At first I thought it was psycological, but after 3 times of taking the cal/mag and omega 3 and having 3 mild anxiety attacks within an hour after, I felt it had to be the supplements.

I hope you have a better experience.