View Full Version : Is this normal?

03-23-2010, 12:57 AM
I was in the car, all of a sudden she told me she saw her ex, she then began to chase him 50km/h limit she was hitting 80/90kmh, she claims to often see people in the supermarket, she thinks people are following her, she thought her ex had spy devices, when confronted about this she then gets angry with me, why don't you believe me, he works for a company that can do this types of things...

she used to come home crying every day telling me people were constantly talking behind her back, she would type out messages on the chat screen and before hitting send she would backspace (delete) out the message then write another message, she thought he could see what she was typing she did this to find out how much of her screen he could see while spying on her.

she claims that someone she used to knew would follow her behind her car, she would see him in the mornings on the way to work, away from work, she would see him at the shops.

she would often accuse me of doing stuff to her and when i got upset she would then say 'it's the type of thing you do' well it's not and i still get accused of it.

It's not until just recently have i realized that all this might not actually be normal, i thought she was just overly suspicious but now im wondering, when our child was born she made me remove a knife (which she used no problem until then) she had visions of hurting our daughter with it i thought it was just stress.

She used to tell me how she thought someone would break through the wall and kidnap her, to begin with for months on end she refused to even let her sleep out of our bed she needed to be next to her all the time, luckily all these issues have gone but thanks to her, it took her years before she was able to sleep on her own as she made our daughter too dependent on the close attachment.

she would get secret messages from peoples profiles from chat and she used to tell me people made ids and profiles to tell her things and pass on messages like how they wanted her back and how sorry they would be, she would take meaning from peoples ids.

There's plenty more but i always dismissed it and since she went on anti depressants most of the paranoia's stopped but now im worried that the anti depressants are simply masking the problem but not actually made the problem go away like a ticking time bomb.

Problem is when asked she gets very angry and then accuses me of being the ones with the problems so i can't even do that, i tried talking her into the doctor, we had many many arguments about it and she would often scream she thought she could not take medication as it would prove she's somehow inferior and can't do things on her own a failure...

finally I managed to get her to talk and she's now being treated for depression, the doctor does not know about these incidences and i'm a little worried yes the severe paranoia's gone and things are a lot better but how long before another episode.. she can often scream and yell over very little and then just say it's stress, she would say things like i'm extremely busy and can't do anything and scream at me for basically asking her to look or do something... not a problem if she's really busy but in reality she just goes and plays games or sleeps yes if she did all the work she claimed to do she would be busy but it seems when i ask her she is busy ..