View Full Version : Fish Oil Helps Mental Illness

03-22-2006, 01:45 AM
Hello all... I have manic depression with generalized anxiety disorder. I have been suffering for 6 years with this illness and finally decided after having seizures produced by all of the meds I was on, that I needed to find another alternative. What has worked for me is 1. Elimination diet, where you fast for short time and then slowly add one food at a time and journal how that food makes you food. The theory is that some of the problems are due to food allergies that we are not aware of..especially to processed foods and drinks that we consume every day. This concept was something that I took from a book called Potatoes Not Prozac. She basically advocates eating a potatoe a short time before bed because a card, without fat, helps to increase your serotonin levels. When I do this, I am always calm immediately, and in the morning. Potatoes actually calm my nerves! My diet now consists of mostly whole real foods, without a lot of white processed foods. I do eat the occasional sugar (which is poison for people with mental illness, but I eat it with a large balanced meal, meat, small carb, and vegetable, then my small piece of dessert. 2. I started eating more fish, especially salmon. As sooon as I did this I noticed a difference in my thinking, for some reason it was clearer. So, I eventually started supplementing with cod liver oil one tablespoon a day. Then, on another site they were talking about how Vitamin D, cod liver oil contains vit A and D., helps to reduce seasonal affective disorder. I then decided to switch brands because I ran out, I was talking the standard Walgreen's brand. However, when I switched to the Twinlab brand, I noticed a significant difference. So, I started taking 2 T. a day and noticed that I was even calmer. You will notice that on this site http://www.mcmanweb.com/article-15.htm there are many testimonies. Most of these people are using Fish Oil pills instead of cod liver oil, because they are concerned with the vitamin A overdoses. They also suggest the Twintabl Mega Twin EPA Fish Oil because it is supposed to contain higher doses than other brands! I would urge everyone to try these supplements, personally I am using my cod liver oil and supplementing that with fish oil capsules.

03-22-2006, 09:16 AM

thanks for the info. pretty interesting how different foods can affect us. I have some additional links in the Resources section ('Alternative therapies' and 'Herbs & Supplements' posts) which provide information on how foods & supplements may affect mood. Foods with tryptophan are good for producing serotonin, while high glycemic carbs can negatively affect serotonin levels (after an initial rise, there's also a dip)

As far as Omega-3 fatty acids go, I have been taking these through Fish Oil supplements also and haven't myself noticed any mood or anxiety level changes. I also tried Flaxseed oil prior to this. I figure I'll keep with them for the health benefits though. I take NatureMade brand supplements, btw - which I typically stick with because they go through USP testing.
