View Full Version : my head

03-18-2010, 12:24 PM
ok it seems my body wants to go through a whole load of symptoms one after the other this week my head feels full up and it hurts every now and then i get pressure also my neck hurts an behind the ears...i just want it all to go away now i hope im not alone in this

03-18-2010, 01:15 PM
Hi tinkerbell_11 :)

Your never alone and remember it will past .

I know it can get you down but just try not to focus on it so much and keep going about your day .

The only difference between anxiety and having a cold for a few weeks is the way we react , with a cold we dont like it but know we will get better so just carry on the best we can .
But with anxiety we keep telling ourself that we will never get better and this is what feeds the little bugger. Just keep telling yourself Yes i feel bad but i will get past it and come out the other side feeling better for it .

I read somewhere yesterday that anxiety is not a bad thing , yes we have to suffer the symptoms but many many people do not get this chose and often their first sign of stress is when something major happens .

cheers kev :)

03-18-2010, 01:20 PM
I completely agree! You need to go about your day but remember to take time for yourself. Is there something that you particularly enjoy?? For me it is a good hot bath that tends to alleviate some of the horrible things I am feeling for at least a while. I dont knwo where you live but going outside can even help you almost escape for a minute. I know horrible it is when you just focus on your symptoms. DISTRACTION! Is a huge part of making it better. There are also a few statements that have been helping me recently. I feel anxious but I have been through it before and I will get through it now. I can handle these sensation/symptoms. This feeling is comfortable or pleasent but I can accept it. This anxiety wont hurt me even if it does not feel good. So what. This is just anxiety- I am not going to let it get to me. This too shall pass. I like the last one personally if you want to interject a little religiousness in it. Hope this helps a little bit. FEEL BETTER!!!

03-19-2010, 03:46 AM
thanks guys...i try not to focus on them..but since im new to all this i do focus when i think they are going i thanks for the advice tho xxx