View Full Version : Hideous sensations - eyes and head....

02-17-2010, 09:55 AM
Yet more questions.....

I am still struggling badly with some symptoms that make me worry like hell....

It is quite difficult to explain them..but today I have tingling behind my eyes...they feel sore. The continual feelings in my head are very hard to deal with. When I am at home or outside (which isn't often)..it feels as though someone has filled my head with cotton wool – and although I can see perfectly well..it is as though my eyes don't work properly. It is such an alien feeling to have. I don't feel free – I feel trapped – the feelings are so bad that I find it hard to relate these to anxiety. Over the past week I have had kind of pulling sensations within my head..truly ghastly. Do any of these symptoms ring any bells with anyone out there? I have felt as though I was about to die twice over the last week or so...things have been that bad. These feelings inside my head – feel like they could be indicative of something else? Something else what though? I had an MRI in Nov and I feel that I have got worse since then. I am toying with the idea of a second MRI VERY soon. At present I couldn't entertain going out to the supermarket...for dinner...and certainly not a holiday. Life is grim....

All replies much appreciated......

I MedusaX I
03-15-2010, 08:03 PM
Two questions, have you been diagnosed with Agoraphobia associated with Panic Disorder? When I leave, I get an extreme headache, dizziness, neusea, etc. Next, did you recently have any changes in medication such as stopping a medication, startng a medication, increasing a dose, or decreasing a dose?
I had a terrible experience with Effexor. I stopped taking it without tapering and I had terrible withdrawl effects such as "brain zaps" where I felt like something was zapping my head and I felt it primarily behind my eyes. Let me know.

03-16-2010, 05:26 AM
I had a terrible experience with Effexor. I stopped taking it without tapering and I had terrible withdrawl effects such as "brain zaps" where I felt like something was zapping my head and I felt it primarily behind my eyes. Let me know.

I was aware of Effexor's addictive quality before I started taking it, (due to research I did on the Internet) which made the decision an informed one, and a risk I was willing to accept; however, millions of people have been victims of neglect regarding this major component of their treatment.

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