View Full Version : agraphopic and anxtious please help.

02-15-2010, 06:57 AM
Hi im new to these forums and have come to to get some advice on my situation.
I was a heroin addict for 11 years ages 16 to 27, 3 years ago i woke up one day and decided i didnt want that life anymore, so i seeked help and found a really good place through my local police force CJIT, this service is usaully a court enforced programe but i managed to convince them to take me on.

After 6 days i was put on methadone and from that day ive never used again, after a month or so of being on methadone and successfully reducing it, i was coming back from the shops and had a panic attack, i was very scared as id never experienced any thing like that, luckily i was on the phone at the time and manged to get picked up pretty quickly.

This happened on two more occasions as the methadone was reduced more, it had me so scared that i started to shut my self away to the point where ive now not left the house for over 2 and half years.

My problem is now the anxiety has started to creep its way in to my safe zone, a door knock the phone even checking my emails can set it off, so pretty much i dont answer the door and the phone is turned off.

On top of this my mood is all over the place i can be happy to sad to angry all i the space of an hr, although i can feel drained i really struggle to sleep.
My doctor seems unwilling to help me in terms of medication for the anxiety its like iv been black listed because of my history.
Although he does subscribe zopiclone to help me sleep i get 7- 7.5mg tablets which last about 2 months, as i only take them when i really need to.

I gave up the heroin to get my life back but instead i feel ive had it taken away, i can understand why my doctor is cautious but if i was wanting to abuse drugs i could, but ive chose not to.

Should i change doctor, go private or maybe try those onlline pharmacies.

Please some advice would be really appreciated .

03-16-2010, 08:41 PM
Ok well i guess the admission of previous drug use put people off giving me advice.

I was hoping the world wasnt how i have come to picture it but it seems i was wrong, if i cant get advice from random people on the web no wonder my GP wont help, and this was really the last place i felt i could turn to.

04-09-2010, 08:24 AM
I just saw your post, this is my first time here, so I definitely wasn't avoiding you.

First of all, congratulations to you for getting off heroin and staying clean. You should be proud and I commend you for your bravery.

I would suggest you get a new doctor. Right away. You don't have to go into horrific details when you give your history if the only doctors available to you are general practitioners.. I am in the medical profession so belive me, many doctors will not treat you with the meds you may very well need because of your history.

The truth is, a general doctor doesn't know how to prescribe to someone with a drug history. If you can, seek out a doctor who specializes in addictions and substance abuse, they will be better equipped to handle your needs.

You are having serious panic and anxiety. You are entitled to relief, and feeling out of control like this puts you at risk for using again.

You can also join Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous. They are wonderful life saving programs. I have been in Al-Anon for 10+ years and it has literally saved my life.

Good luck to you and keep posting to let me know how you're doing,

05-05-2010, 01:15 PM
I agree with Jill. Your GP is there to help you and if he/she isn't willing to do that, then I would strongly suggest fidning another GP. I ended up doing the same thing as my GP was just being horrific. It got to the point where he would ask ME what I thought I had (which was anxiety btw).

Definitely find a support group. Having to go through this alone is the worst thing you can do.