View Full Version : Stress/Anxiety Related Chest Wall pain Questions

02-12-2010, 01:37 PM
Hello... I was wondering...lately over the last two years there are times in my life where i might go through a stressful situation with my kids or work or my marriage etc...Sometimes its all three at once lol. At times it tends to result it seems in the tightening, discomfort and soreness in my chest. This can last for a day or even a week or two. During this time i obsess over the discomfirt thinking something may be wrong with my heart because it tends to localize itself in the left side of my chest. Its not a sharp pain...its more of a dull pain thaat can be mimicked by taking your fingers and probing at your chest. Is this normal? I do know that when i take zanax or adavan it tends to subside.

Any help would be greatly aappreciated. Sometimes i guess my mind and body feel like a telephone cord thats raveled and twisted so bad that it just needs to uncoil and release all the tension. Often times i feel a good run will do it. Does anyone else experience this. I dont know how to control this nor do i know what exactly causes the symptom but my body tells me its stress related. I then start worrying too much stress and anxiety will cause me heart problems down the line and i will croak of a heartattack at a young age...scaary - how do you guys deal with it?

02-14-2010, 05:00 PM
I think I know the feeling you mean, sits kinda just below the left pec muscle near the ribs there?

I have had it plenty of times although it doesnt usually stress me out or last very long unless I worry about it. That might sound a bit odd but if I dismiss it straight away it passes in a couple of hours, if I am worried about it then it hangs arond for awhile. I had a couple of theories on it, I am pretty sure its actually a muscle pain caused by tension.

I get the tensed up feeling too, its just a stress/fear reaction that causes everything to tense up and makes you feel wound up. A run is probably a good thing for it as it helps burn off the nervous energy that builds up, that or try a massage too!

02-14-2010, 06:45 PM
I think I know the feeling you mean, sits kinda just below the left pec muscle near the ribs there?

I have had it plenty of times although it doesnt usually stress me out or last very long unless I worry about it. That might sound a bit odd but if I dismiss it straight away it passes in a couple of hours, if I am worried about it then it hangs arond for awhile. I had a couple of theories on it, I am pretty sure its actually a muscle pain caused by tension.

I get the tensed up feeling too, its just a stress/fear reaction that causes everything to tense up and makes you feel wound up. A run is probably a good thing for it as it helps burn off the nervous energy that builds up, that or try a massage too!

sometimes its below the left peck. This time its lasted a good 5 days. It radiates to upper peck and collar bone. My neck is soar lately as well. I recognize the feeling and its a pain i have had before but its lasting longer than it normally does. I actually feel like i need to go for a run - funny you said that. After 5 days of this pain and worrying i start worrying about how stress will shave years off my life and i actually worry about being anxious. Then i worry about whether its more serious things havcing to do with my heart. Its a vicious cycle

02-15-2010, 05:22 AM
hi .
i know the feeling iv had it the last couple of weeks,

along with feeling really tired and weak its not a nice way to be feeling ,

so im starting to get back to getting a bit of work done to keep my mind busy,

and it seems to be working , i still get that tired and awful feeling about myself once or twice a day but it soon passes.

02-16-2010, 08:35 PM
sometimes its below the left peck. This time its lasted a good 5 days. It radiates to upper peck and collar bone. My neck is soar lately as well. I recognize the feeling and its a pain i have had before but its lasting longer than it normally does. I actually feel like i need to go for a run - funny you said that. After 5 days of this pain and worrying i start worrying about how stress will shave years off my life and i actually worry about being anxious. Then i worry about whether its more serious things havcing to do with my heart. Its a vicious cycle

Yeah I have had the neck pain too, just around the base of my neck and sometimes up into the back of my head. Its interesting you say that about worrying about being anxious and taking years off your life as well. I had that too over the last couple of days, would be ncie to just turn the whole thing off but its just not that easy.

02-17-2010, 03:41 AM
i get this...it starts under the left rib cage radiates over the top of the left chest like a burning pain and in the collabone also up the neck its quite scary...:(