View Full Version : The latest problem over sleep

02-09-2010, 05:54 AM
For a while I thought I had everything under control. I was getting over a cold and was sleeping reasonably well until I thought I wasn't getting enough air. Of course this caused me to focus on my breathing, which in turn resulted in a panic attack. The rest of the night was one panic attack after another. I thought about diaphram breathing, but since I really wanted sleep, I tried to force myself to relax, which of course got me nowhere.

Does anyone have a solution for this?

02-10-2010, 06:30 AM
I have trouble with sleeping also.

Found that blocking as much light as possible through the window healped and by leaving it open a little to allow some air to get into the room.

Dont drink coffee or anything that contains caffine day or night.

Dont do anything mind taxing in the evening that will put your mind into a race before you try to sleep.

Gotu Kola is pretty good which i bought from a Vitamin store which also helps combat Anxiety.

Camomile Tea is good too but dont drink it too late as you may find frequent trips to the toilet a problem.

Breathing was never a Major issue for me but i hope the rest helps.

02-10-2010, 08:40 AM
Breathing always seems to be a big trigger with anxiety and panic attacks.

The thing that you must remember is that your body does the breathing for you. Your brain will not allow you to not get enough oxygen. If you need more you will take a deep breath, whether you are thinking about it or not.

I know that it is hard to not focus on whether you are getting enough air or not. But understanding that breathing does not have to be a conscious effort helped me to worry less about my breathing.

02-10-2010, 12:02 PM
I sometimes get what can only be described as nocturnal panic attacks. What happens if one minute I'm sound alsleep and then out of nowhere I get a huge shot of adrenaline into my head and body. I wake up suddenly with a pounding heart and actually feel on the verge of dying its so intense. Its something I've learned to live with even though it sometimes happens several nights a week. On average though it probably happpens a couple of times a month. I find getting up and moving around straight away helps as well as splashing a bit of cold water around my face and neck. Normally takes me about 30 minutes to get back to sleep which can leave me tired in the morning.