View Full Version : Sleep

02-08-2010, 10:57 AM
Hey guys well im pretty new to the forum i have just been perusing around looking at the stockload of great information here and its just amazing.

the one thing that doesnt seem to come up tho, or at least i havent found it, is anything to do with sleep.

for the last couple of days i have gone med-free was previousy on .25mg xanax and was taking them once a day usually only for sleep as i have been able to just kinda ride the anxiety waves.

now i tend to sleep for maybe six hours wake up then kinda fall back asleep sometimes into a deep dream sleep and sometimes into a really light sleep where i cant even tell if i was asleep.

my question is if any of you have similiar problems and what do you do to or have found to work for you to getting a better nights sleep?