View Full Version : How to get rid of anxiety without high costs and naturally

02-04-2010, 12:45 AM
I never had panic attacks before in my life until a year ago. Suddenly I started getting panic attacks, anxiety, hot flushes, dizziness etc etc etc. I wanted to go off my head. Went to see almost every doctor that exist- neurologist for brain scans, heart doctor to check if I am not gonna get a heart attack, numerous blood tests taken etc etc etc. It all cost me over $6 000. I remained devastated as all the doctors said that there is nothing wrong with me. I even went to see a physiologist (but only felt a bit more relaxed for a couple of hours and then back to anxiety again) and later on a psychiatrist (I got Xanor to drink). I started giving up in life because I thought I was gonna die. I also didn't want to remain on anti-depressants for the rest of my life. I eventually started praying to the Lord more often and asked and pleaded and begged and cried to Him to please help me as I cannot go on anymore. I wanted to quit my job, I couldn't drive anymore (I had to ask my family to drive me around), I couldn't stand in a que to buy anything at the shops. Until one day about 3 weeks ago when my father received a pamphlet mentioning vitamins and minerals that every person's body needs. I started doing research on it and found that a lot of times doctors miss-diagnose anxiety etc. and just hand out anti-depressants in stead of getting to the source of the problem. I have been drinking very strong vitamins and minerals (especially vitamin B12, Magnesium, Calcium and Vitamin C) for about 2.5 weeks now and I really feel much better. I am not 100% better yet but i am so much more positive, I am driving myself around now, I am still working and feel refreshed when I wake up in the morning wanting to go to work. I feel much less anxious and panicky. I honestly believe that the Lord heard my prayers and showed me how to naturally and without major cost get rid of panic attacks and anxiety. Please try it - I am sure it will work for you. All you need is the Lord Jesus Christ and vitamins and minerals. I promised the Lord that I will spread this message to as many people as possible as I know what you are going through and it is very devastating.