View Full Version : Anxiety? Really?

02-01-2010, 04:16 PM
Alright. Hello to everyone! My name is Melody and I'm 24 years old. My first anxiety attack occurred on decmber 2nd, 2006 (yes I remember the exact date, that's how awful it was.)
Initially, my bouts of anxiety seemed pretty typical: racing heart, tightness in chest, "trouble" breathing, lightheadedness, dizziness, chest pain, frequent headaches and a general feeling of things not being right.
I visited the ER and went through rounds of doctors and 2 MRIs and constantly being told it was anxiety. Well, it was anxiety. I took it as that and trained myself not to be scared of it and after 2 years, the attacks subsided and eventually went away.
Well, I am pregnant again. 4 months. I found out in October.
However, in May of 09 I started getting new symtpms that I did not associate with me anxiety and some (like chest pain) returned. The new symptoms included:

closed feeling in throat
stinging and dry eyes, nose, lips, tongue, throat and various areas of skin
ulcers in mouth
rash that won't go away on leg
intensified tinnae versicolor
burning sensation in palms
a feeling of disorientation or clumsiness
ringing in ears
painful joints (neck, knee and fingers)
swelling in hands
severe heartburn
severe headaches

These came and went until October. But now they are back and worse than ever. My OBGYN says it is too early for these to be associated with pregnancy. The hospital said they didn't know and my primary referred me to a rheumatologist. My appointment is on Feb 10th and he is going to test me for lupus and sjogren's syndrome. However, i just read that most of these symptoms are also associated with anxiety. Is it possible for anxiety to go away for awhile and then manifest itself as different symtoms? I would feel alot better if that were true because the fear I am feeling with these new symtoms are causing many of the old ones to resurface. The only good thing is that i can recignize the old ones...

Any helpful words?

02-01-2010, 04:19 PM
I would also like to mention that my first anxiety attack occurred when i was 10 weeks pregnant with my daughter, who is now almost 3 years old.

thanks again

02-01-2010, 08:25 PM
Anxiety happened with my Girl friend both times she was pregnant. She had it the first time, they gave medication, the second, no meds. She doesn't deal with anxiety.... I wonder if you had the anxiety attack back in 06 and you learned to fear and that's why they continued for a while? don't know. any way. Pregnancy does some weird things. Hormones all over the place, don't know how much of a worrier you are, but there's a lot of that when a baby is coming. It's normal to feel a little anxiety with that all. As hard as it is, just try to relax a little, i'm sure it's just the pregnancy.