View Full Version : Why does facing your fears seem so impossible?

01-28-2010, 05:10 PM
This is a question I need answered! I have a very difficult time getting over ridiculous fears (I know are ridiculous) what's the best way to get over it?

01-28-2010, 10:56 PM
well what are they ?

To get over fears first you have to see them for what they are. Just
symptom of anxiety .

Anixety changes the workings of the brain , the automatic part of the brain becomes more active . The fear section of the brain also becomes more active . You dont need to fear something to be scared of it , if at one stage you had a symptom of anxiety over something and your reacted to that with panic the auto part of the brain will remember this and the next time it is in the same place it will send out danger signs .

For example teddy bear - symptom of anxiety - panic - brain remembers it - next time you see teddy bear your brain thinks this is danger and starts flight and fight response .

So to get past them you just see them for what they are and dont react with any fear etc

cheers kev :D

01-29-2010, 08:13 AM
The way I usually deal with irrational fears is to remember that fear is a normal part of life. Though it may be irrational for you to be afraid of a particular thing, the feelings that it creates are normal responses in your body. The difference is just being afraid of the original problem or being afraid of the fear. When you allow yourself to just be afraid of the original problem it's usually a quick burst of fear and then your body realizes that there is no need to fight or flight. But if you tense up and become afraid of the feelings then you compound your fears, and it becomes an endless cycle of fear - fight or flight response - fear.

Hopefully that makes sense. Just remember, fear is normal, allow it run it's course without adding more fear or running away from it.

01-29-2010, 04:41 PM
Great advice forwells and unnerved, i couldn't agree more.

01-31-2010, 09:16 AM
yea, Don't let the feelings reinforce the thoughts. Understand and accept the fact that you'll have to feel the feelings of fear again with what ver you think your fearing to take it in the other direction. So if you once panniced over a teddy bear, You'll have to pannic again to get over it. While your in it though, you'll have to breath and understand and tell yourself that the teddy bear has nothing to do with the way you feel. The fear of the teddy bear is just irrational.

So understand the technieques and go towards the fears. As long as they are irrational fears. Don't go thinking that touching a wild bear would be a fear you shouldn't have... :)