View Full Version : Preventing My Own Recovery !!

01-27-2010, 09:27 AM
After being totally disabled with anxiety in my early 20's I worked a program and recovered 100% for the next 20 years - drug free or should I say I recovered in spite of the medications.

In the past 10 years we moved 8 times and each time was cross-country. Had parents to care for and other not huge stresses. I was tired and pushed ahead in spite of extreme fatigue.

I crashed the worst ever 3 years ago. And while I know that anxiety and panic are caused by reaching Allostatic Load threshold (which is lowered in people who have had adverse childhoods).....and that Allostatic Load causes dysregulation in the HPA Axis in the brain which results in anxiety ........I am stuck in not doing the recovery program I know.

Many days I am so agitated or sick that I don't stop to do the breathing exercises, skilled relaxation, meditation , HRV or other things I know the calm and reset the HPA Axis.

My diet is near perfect with low glycemic foods, I have reduced all external stressors and have a wonderful partner so I am good on those fronts....but again I don't seem to discipline myself to doing the core recovery tools.

I would like to talk to anyone with this problem or those who are diligent in working the program and doing all the skilled relaxation.

